food I just made "chili"...using a chile base...

Alright...there are no looks like "chili". But...I made some enchilada sauce yesterday using dried nu-mex hots, boiled with carrots until the carrots were firm, but tender...then tossed in a few poblanos, and some spices. I had a brain fart, and cooked up a pound of ground turkey with a couple of large red savinas and monster jalapeno (the damn thing looked like a green RPG)...and some onion and fresh garlic. In an effort to use the left over chile sauce, I mixed the two together and simmered. It was amazingly good...and got me to this what "chili" started out as? It's almost too rich to eat by itself, but it was so damn good. No tomoatoes, no beans (duh)...and tremendous flavor (and heat). I tried looking up traditional chili recipes, but it's all the usual tomato/beef/bean crap. What the hell did I just make?
(thanks Omri for making that :P)

Sounds yummy in theory though.... I said...I could post pics, but it looks like regular chili.

You MUST post a picture of your chili, your left hand holding a thermometer into the said chili, which should be rested on a white sheet of paper that reads "" in red ink. The thermometer should read a temperature of 33.5 degrees celsius. If you cannot meet these guidelines, we must assume you are a filthy liar!
DAMNIT!!! The recipe is what I'm interested knuckleheads! I can't find anything remotely like this online, and it has to be something that's been done before...
Well what you claim to have made (I dont believe you actually did without pictures) sounds a lot like competition type chilli to me except most of those recipe's add some sort of tomato sauce and bullion type flavoring. You can compare to some competition winners recipe's here:
Well...I'm shit-faced right now...and the camera is smarter than I. So...yeah. In all honesty, it could use a can of Rotel...but damn this $10 vodka.

I need sleep...I think.
Well...I'm shit-faced right now...and the camera is smarter than I. So...yeah. In all honesty, it could use a can of Rotel...but damn this $10 vodka.

I need sleep...I think.

Haha, indeed.
Anyway, on topic.. It sounds good (I'm not sure what the 'base' is though, Taco seasoning sachet-ish?).
I would certainly prefer it with tomato (and beans but that's me!) unless you use it as a filling or have with bread or alike.
LB, Damn-It Man, your in Tejas! Chili there in Gods Country means NO BEANS! TB can I get an Amen!

I would think that what you have is a Texas Style Chili. Whether you use tomatoes or not is irrelevant. Main thing is beef, chili’s and no beans. Your sauce sounds killer as it is. Historically, according to the Chili history web page at:

The original chili called for venison or antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, and chili peppers but as there area as many different ways to make chili as there are people on this planet I’d say that you have one darn fine bowl or red there.

LB, Damn-It Man, your in Tejas! Chili there in Gods Country means NO BEANS! TB can I get an Amen!

I would think that what you have is a Texas Style Chili. Whether you use tomatoes or not is irrelevant. Main thing is beef, chili’s and no beans. Your sauce sounds killer as it is. Historically, according to the Chili history web page at:

The original chili called for venison or antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, and chili peppers but as there area as many different ways to make chili as there are people on this planet I’d say that you have one darn fine bowl or red there.


No beans...never! Then it becomes meat-soup. doesn't taste taco-esque at all.
LB - My wife is an absolute chilli nut. She hardly ever cooks, when she does it's always her blasted chilli. She makes it in the "traditional" way, beef, tomato, beans, garlic, chilli powder, that's about it. I've never interfered by suggesting anything different to her, 'cos why would I discourage her from making her one meal each month?

A while back we got into a debate about chilli, and beans and ingredients etc. She said "go ahead, make me your stinking chilli".

So I made it the way I'd always made it back before I met her, and it sounds a lot like your interpretation. Here's roughly what I do -

I make up a 'base' which flavors and thickens the chili. I add onion, garlic, carrots and Guajilla peppers to the blender and make a smooth puree. Then I fry up some course ground beef, which you have to ask your butcher for, it's like small chunks. Add diced onion, garlic, poblano, about 4 more Guajilla's, and habaneros, hot chile powder and hot paprika. Cook that for a while then add in the blended stuff with some water and simmer it for at least an hour.
It's delicious. There's no beans and no tomatoes. It's like a Mexican enchilada sauce on steroids. I serve it with a little white rice....the wife likes hers with elbow macaroni :eek:

My wife tried it and reluctantly said it's the best chilli she's ever tasted. So her cooking days are basically over :( (I'm happy about it really, she sucks at cooking).
I believe what you have made is a Chile Con Carne "Chilli with meat". Commonly cooked with beans, but was also traditionally cooked just mince with chili, garlic, onions and cumin.

So maybe a Chile con Turquía?
Yes you made chili. Dude you're from TX you should know you made chili con carne (chili peppers with meat).
carrots in chili is good.
I still crack up listening to people say beans dont belong in chili cuz its not true chili, but yet these are the same people that add chocolate or wine or something else crazy thats farther from being a true chili ingredient, unlike beans are true chili ingredients!

the chile powders I like to use for chili
smoked serrano
chipotle morita
de arbol
new mexico or new mex

its not gonna give you a burn your face off heat but there'd be fresh chiles in it &/or habs/powder..though that powder still gives a good heat by itsself w/great flavor & that great red chili color.
Carrots? Beans? Whatever. Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun. Next time you order that and it comes with broccoli, possum meat and seaweed, don't dispute its not a Big Mac.
carrots in chili is good.
I still crack up listening to people say beans dont belong in chili cuz its not true chili, but yet these are the same people that add chocolate or wine or something else crazy thats farther from being a true chili ingredient, unlike beans are true chili ingredients!
Chocolate in chili, may sound strange to you, but Mexican chocolate is used in many sauces and moles, and is common in chili. Wine adds acidity and flavor, it is also not a strange ingredient. Beans are considered fillers because they take up space where you could be putting meat. Like when you order lamb vindaloo at an Indian restaurant, and some of the chunks that look like lamb are potato! Arrrrgh! But if you like beans, go for it.
Having grown up in the great state of Tejas, and having been to my share (maybe more) of chili cook-offs over the years, here's my take on chile. I see it basically as a stew, and probably originating with whatever stuff happened to be on hand at the time. So you got ..... okra? and like it? Toss it in! You like venison instead of beef? Go for it! Beans? Carrots? Chocolate? Whatever! I'd rather see peeps getting their thinking caps on and coming up with something unique and flavorful that is all their own, rather than trying to figure out if it's somehow "authentic" or not.

We now return you to our regularly-scheduled show..... :lol: