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I just received my shipment

Over here, a kilogram of freah peppers sells for 15-25 bucks, depending on what you are getting. Bhuts and the likes might be more expensive, but they are usually sold in smaller units.
I see that your new name for a greengrocer is a veg dealer Talas :lol: In England you can buy 2kg of Habs or Scotch Bonnets from the greengrocer (if you order them) for around £20-23 which isn't cheap, they are very fresh though and whatever colour you ask for.
The company is in New jersey and I'm in the Los Angeles area. The box I got was a total of, with shipping, $40. No one in my house except for me eats chiles so what I couldn't finish I pickled. Pickled Fatallis and Bhuts are great.