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I let my guard down for a second...

and now I'm paying the price.
Had a dish of some pepper tops (I pull the stem then cut a little off the top of all my peppers so I can peek inside for anything that shouldn't be there) in my fridge I was planning on adding to some pepper rings I made earlier to add a bit of heat and maybe some lovely hab flavor, not even thinking I picked the best ones out to set aside to munch on, tossed a few in each jar of pepper rings, and about two minutes ago I rubbed my left eye.

Bloody hell....:)

Lesson learned, capsaicin is a harsh but beautiful mistress indeed.
See my thread in which I did the exact same thing, only I scratched my sack with T scorpion juice on my hand.

Not 1 upping you, merely proving that I am more stupid.:)
cheezydemon said:
See my thread in which I did the exact same thing, only I scratched my sack with T scorpion juice on my hand.

Not 1 upping you, merely proving that I am more stupid.:)

That's like one downing ouch
fineexampl said:
i got bhut on my dick the other day. not fun AT ALL!

I am at work and people are looking at me strange as I just errupted in laughter when i read that....Straight to the point...:)
I guess posting on this thread jinxed me cause I just got tabasco powder right on the tip of my dick. Goddamnit. I'm at work too so people are giving me funny looks as i pace around my cube grabbing at my crotch.

I was pinching some tabasco powder out of my jar for a co-worker & i even told him to make sure he washes his hands after handling and then my dumb ass turns around and goes and pisses not 10 minutes later
Txclosetgrower said:
I guess posting on this thread jinxed me cause I just got tabasco powder right on the tip of my dick...then my dumb ass turns around and goes and pisses...

a strange point-and-shoot holding position you use when peeing, normally I grip much lower down the shaft :mouthonfire:
chilliman64 said:
a strange point-and-shoot holding position you use when peeing, normally I grip much lower down the shaft :)

Rofl to be specific it was the bottom where the head meets the rest. I believe i spread it whilst shaking the boy off. :mouthonfire:
chilliman64 said:
a strange point-and-shoot holding position you use when peeing, normally I grip much lower down the shaft :party:

That would explain the basic difference between the colors pink and purple. Your grip.

Cheers, TB.