I love cheese

Sounds awesome, mill!!

Tonight will be cheese fondue and leftover French onion soup. We'll dip the bread in the cheese, and then dip the combo in the SOUP!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh!
Sounds awesome, mill!!

Tonight will be cheese fondue and leftover French onion soup. We'll dip the bread in the cheese, and then dip the combo in the SOUP!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh!

My dawg' missylou read this post and is now callin' BS! She was looking forward to cheese upon cheese and leftover french-oh. But NOOOOO! :lol:
My dawg' missylou read this post and is now callin' BS! She was looking forward to cheese upon cheese and leftover french-oh. But NOOOOO! :lol:

Nope....no pics. This was a closed event for me and Retta.

Those pics you probably DON'T want! :lol:

.....besides......someone of high administrative distinction here said.......what was it????

I love cheese.

Gryere, parmigiano, Aura(a blue cheese), smoked dutch cheese(dont know the brand), English cheddar, Feta, mozzarella(the fav is actually a cheeper one).

I havn't tried Manchego yet but will someday.

There are a swedish cheese called Präst(priest) thats my favourite. It should be aged at least 20 months. Atm i got a 24month präst called Allerum XO thats really awsome.
Boxholm krydd(cumincheese) is allso pretty nice.
Hushållsost(a basic chese) is allso nice on a slice of bread.
I allso like a soft(spreadable) cheese flavored with green pepper(unripe black pepper).

One tip is bluechees on gingerbread.
Really awsome with glögg/gluewein(spiced heated wine.

Well cheese is basically foodporn.
I also like cheese.

I just discovered an italian deli about 100 metres down the road that sells a really nice smelly pecorino :D
Wasabi cheese from Tasmania rocks!

And any blue brie :) yummz with eggs in the morning. ooh and fig paste with blue cheese and a slice of dorset is so good on a black pepper cracker.
As I am a cheesehead born and bred in Wisconsin, I too, love cheese. Reading thru this thread, I'm getting real hungry. And man, does that F.O. soup look great. All hot and bubbely. I better stop before I get all worked up.
My old roomate got me hooked on Halloumi..cheese from Cyprus..absolutely delicious on the bbq..doesnt seem to melt too fast..can you say WIN? :)
Saint Agur is the most insanely good cheese!

Even if you don't like blue I suggest giving it a go.
I needa sambooooodey teh post a peek abao sum cheesey sauce. C'mon bic boi!

huh? :confused:

(sheesh, where'd I leave my TB/TMB translator???)

to keep the thread going, the 'Kid brought home some double cream cheddar from a creamery in Bow, WA....

OMG! Cheddar is the Werd! RIVER CHEDDAR to be more precise.

re-edit- just found a location near our home that carries cheeses from this creamery....and I know of a way to get it without driving there or using their online sales ;)
How can you have a cheese thread without the ubiquitious (sp?) cheez?


And you can even cook with it:
{"I need somebody to post a peekaboo (pic) of some cheesy sauce. Come on, pic boy!"
There ya go G.)

well, sheesh, why didn't he SAY so?!???


There ya go buddy!