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I love my guns

mx5inpa said:
.22LR is a proven man-stopper
mx5inpa said:
If the goal is really stopping power then a smaller more accurate weapon seems like the answer.
I didn't know meth heads breaking into homes when they know someone is there hold still for you to get a shot to the head with a .22 LR.
So I asked you a question about the police wanting more "stopping power" and your answer is "people require much less stopping power than animals"?
I think when you compare people to equally sized animals you will find the same amount of stopping power is needed. There is A) no basis (scientific, logical, factual) to think people arent animals and B) that other animals are somehow more bullet hardened.
Oh and she was hit in her upper right chest according to the link. I dont think it matters whether it was an organ or an artery...she carried her nephew 40 steps before she collapsed and died. The debate was stopping power so I'm not sure how an autopsy matters unless you want to compare it to all the superdeer autopsies. The web has tons of stories about mortally wounded people who are just like deer. Which pretty much disproves what youre saying.
So I'm not sure if you actually believe these things or if youre just messing with me.

Proud Marine Dad said:
I didn't know meth heads breaking into homes when they know someone is there hold still for you to get a shot to the head with a .22 LR.
Honestly coming in through a door or window how still do they have to be? Dont people normally stand still at the sight of a firearm pointed at them?
New rule: if you cant hit a paper plate from 100 yards 10x in a row with a .22 rifle you cant have a pistol.

Theres a video on YT of a guy shooting a deer head from 100 yards with a standard velocity .22lr. The bullet goes clean through.
mx5inpa said:
So I asked you a question about the police wanting more "stopping power" and your answer is "people require much less stopping power than animals"?
I think when you compare people to equally sized animals you will find the same amount of stopping power is needed. There is A) no basis (scientific, logical, factual) to think people arent animals and B) that other animals are somehow more bullet hardened.
Oh and she was hit in her upper right chest according to the link. I dont think it matters whether it was an organ or an artery...she carried her nephew 40 steps before she collapsed and died. The debate was stopping power so I'm not sure how an autopsy matters unless you want to compare it to all the superdeer autopsies. The web has tons of stories about mortally wounded people who are just like deer. Which pretty much disproves what youre saying.
So I'm not sure if you actually believe these things or if youre just messing with me.

Honestly coming in through a door or window how still do they have to be? Dont people normally stand still at the sight of a firearm pointed at them?
New rule: if you cant hit a paper plate from 100 yards 10x in a row with a .22 rifle you cant have a pistol.

Theres a video on YT of a guy shooting a deer head from 100 yards with a standard velocity .22lr. The bullet goes clean through.
OK, what police dept do you know that issues .22 pistols to their officers
Officers making headshots is frowned upon I think. Although I dont know why, since they shouldnt be shooting unless theyre trying to kill someone. Seems like a catch-22.
And just to be clear, I am talking about using like a Ruger 10/22. Not a pistol. You get great accuracy, a small package, and like no kick. Theyre so easy to shoot.
That hardly answers the question on what departments issue .22s to their officers.
They don't because the .22 lacks sufficient power unless making head shots which are not necessary with larger caliber weapons.
Go ahead and use what you are proficient with and what works best for you. but more powder and more lead is BOSS
MAGALIA — A 29-year-old Magalia man with a prison record dating back to at least to 2003, was shot and killed Monday night after he allegedly forced his way into a home in the 15100 block of Jack Pine Way.
John Randolph Shanks III was pronounced dead in the home around 8 p.m.
The male resident of the home, who has yet to be identified, reportedly shot Shanks once in the chest with a .22-caliber handgun, according to Butte County sheriff's Sgt. Jason Hail.
Bella Twin, an Indian girl, and her friend Dave Auger were hunting grouse near Lesser Slave Lake in northern Alberta. The only gun they had was Bella’s single shot bolt action .22 rimfire rifle. They were walking a cutline that had been made for oil exploration when they saw a large grizzly following the same survey line toward them. If they ran, the bear would probably notice them and might chase, so they quietly sat down on a brush pile and hoped that the bear would pass by without trouble. But the bear came much too close, and when the big bear was only a few yards away, Bella Twin shot him in the side of the head with a .22 Long Rifle cartridge. The bear dropped, kicked and then lay still. Taking no chances, Bella went up close and fired all of the cartridges she had, seven or eight .22 Long Rifles, into the bear’s head. That bear, killed in 1953, was the world record grizzly for several years and is still high in the records today.
“Grizzly Guns” by H. V. Stent

You cant kill the facts with bigger bullets or illogical rambling.
But a .22lr will take down a grizzly bear animal which is obviously much harder to kill than a person who isnt an animal.
Shoot what you're best with and can afford.  I love my Marlin model 60.  Also love my mossberg and my taurus and my colt.  ;)
The best round is one you're comfortable and proficient with.
Well Mx5 when a guy on meth or PCP breaks into your house good luck with the second weakest round you can buy. I will use a 12 gauge thank you.
Shurbryn said:
Gun topics are hilarious to read.
Especially when people use their opinions rather than documemted facts. :)
Proud Marine Dad said:
Especially when people use their opinions rather than documemted facts. :)
No, actually, I'm on the side where I believe that guns should only be in the shooting range and not in your home. Why not just invest in better locks on your doors?
Why are so many American's scared of home invasion?
Does it happen all the time?
I only ask, as the only news I ever see about shootings in America here in Australia, are about "massacres" where it was negligence on the parents part.
Sure, we still have random shootings pretty much daily in Sydney's western suburbs (shit area anyway) and the shit parts of Melbourne. We have not had any mass shootings since auto and semi auto's were banned in the 90's. Granted, we do have a much lesser population.
I'm all for guns for the enjoyment of being at a shooting range or hunting, but for safety in the home, I don't. You all act as if you could calmly just open the cabinet/case that you would have the gun in (because you have it locked up for safety reasons, right?) and then stop the intruder before they can get to you.
I would be willing to bet that the majority of you could not do that unless you've been through training for this kind of thing.
Shurbryn said:
No, actually, I'm on the side where I believe that guns should only be in the shooting range and not in your home. Why not just invest in better locks on your doors?
Why are so many American's scared of home invasion?
Does it happen all the time?
I only ask, as the only news I ever see about shootings in America here in Australia, are about "massacres" where it was negligence on the parents part.
Sure, we still have random shootings pretty much daily in Sydney's western suburbs (shit area anyway) and the shit parts of Melbourne. We have not had any mass shootings since auto and semi auto's were banned in the 90's. Granted, we do have a much lesser population.
I'm all for guns for the enjoyment of being at a shooting range or hunting, but for safety in the home, I don't. You all act as if you could calmly just open the cabinet/case that you would have the gun in (because you have it locked up for safety reasons, right?) and then stop the intruder before they can get to you.
I would be willing to bet that the majority of you could not do that unless you've been through training for this kind of thing.
Better locks? Ever hear of windows? Most doors can be kicked in fairly easy as well despite the lock.
My guns are unlocked and ready to use because locking them up is stupid. Do I ask a home invader to please wait while I unlock my guns? :rofl:
It's about being prepared that's all. The other day an 80 year old man and his wife 30 miles away were beaten and robbed in a home invasion and it's becoming more common.
I won't be a statistic. If someone is in my home and they are armed or not complying I will kill them absolutely! I did not create that situation, they did!
Proud Marine Dad said:
Better locks? Ever hear of windows? Most doors can be kicked in fairly easy as well despite the lock.
My guns are unlocked and ready to use because locking them up is stupid. Do I ask a home invader to please wait while I unlock my guns? :rofl:
It's about being prepared that's all. The other day an 80 year old man and his wife 30 miles away were beaten and robbed in a home invasion and it's becoming more common.
I won't be a statistic. If someone is in my home and they are armed or not complying I will kill them absolutely! I did not create that situation, they did!
Yes, I have heard of windows. Yes, I know doors can be kicked in. Do you go to the door with your gun in hand every time? That sounds pretty fucked up.
And no, I wasn't assuming you would ask a home invader to wait.
So you purely have guns for protection? Your country sounds more and more less appealing to visit every day.
I'd rather deal with life threatening animals on a daily basis than to be worried about a home invasion.
Shurbryn said:
You all act as if you could calmly just open the cabinet/case that you would have the gun in and then stop the intruder before they can get to you.
     I would at like the chance to try. It's certainly better than allowing my government (bunch of assholes that don't live in the real world) to decide for me that I am unable to defend myself and my family with the weapon of my choice. 
Shurbryn said:
I'd rather deal with life threatening animals on a daily basis than to be worried about a home invasion.
Me too. But shit happens.
Shurbryn said:
So your constitution protects your right to have guns for protection? Your country sounds better than mine.
Hey whoa! hey! whoooaaa
This needs to be moved to 'Hot Button Topics' if y'all are going to argue your different cultures and attitudes about guns.
Yeah, I've got guns, but there is no way I will argue about right and wrong on the internet. It is just too volatile.
To each his own...
Ok, I have said my peace. err... piece. LOL
Shurbryn said:
Yes, I have heard of windows. Yes, I know doors can be kicked in. Do you go to the door with your gun in hand every time? That sounds pretty f**ked up.
No I don't go to the door with a gun in my hand. I have a dog and the gun is not far away. Opening the door for just anyone is not smart.
So you purely have guns for protection?
I do yes as I don't hunt. I used to shoot metallic silhouette handgun and some bench rest shooting but that was years ago.
Your country sounds more and more less appealing to visit every day.
Why? Because we can be armed to protect ourselves? It's called freedom.
I'd rather deal with life threatening animals on a daily basis than to be worried about a home invasion.
Me too, more trigger time. :rofl:
Shurbryn said:
No, actually, I'm on the side where I believe that guns should only be in the shooting range and not in your home. Why not just invest in better locks on your doors?
Why are so many American's scared of home invasion?
Does it happen all the time?  It only has to happen once to you.
I only ask, as the only news I ever see about shootings in America here in Australia, are about "massacres" where it was negligence on the parents part. That's due to the fact that the news you see, as with here, is manipulated to project a political narrative. A little internet work will show you that you have been deceived.
Sure, we still have random shootings pretty much daily in Sydney's western suburbs (shit area anyway) and the shit parts of Melbourne. We have not had any mass shootings since auto and semi auto's were banned in the 90's. Granted, we do have a much lesser population.
I'm all for guns for the enjoyment of being at a shooting range or hunting, but for safety in the home, I don't. You all act as if you could calmly just open the cabinet/case that you would have the gun in (because you have it locked up for safety reasons, right?) and then stop the intruder before they can get to you.
I would be willing to bet that the majority of you could not do that unless you've been through training for this kind of thing.   I assure you, I don't take handling firearms lightly and have extensive training and am fully capable of successfully and safely eliminating a threat condition.
This country was born with the aid of the gun in the hands of its countrymen against a tyrannical king.
A new government was formed and the ensuing constitution and bill of rights, (the supreme laws of the land) were crafted by men with a long memory and the presence of mind to understand that it could happen all over again at another time.  There are those among us that would love to deny us our ability to repeat what was accomplished in the infancy of our nation, as there are those of us who stand ready to defend with life and limb the rights we took for ourselves to ensure that if necessary, we could.
There is a reason that our right to keep and bear arms is the second amendment in the bill of rights and not the ninth or tenth. It is that important! In fact, it is the second amendment that assures we cannot lose all of our rights. It is the cornerstone of the bill of rights. This is what makes the United States of America different and unique from any other country on earth.
I carry a firearm everywhere I go for the personal protection of myself, my family and anyone else who finds themselves in harms way. I target shoot and I am an avid hunter and I don't have to open the cabinet to retrieve a gun to fend off a home invader. I have one strapped to my hip as I type this.