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I Need Help!!! Please!!

A couple of days ago, about half of the leaves on both of my plants
just fell off onto the floor while I was at work and last night I checked
and the tips of some of the branches ate turning brown and curling
up. I don't know what happening to my peppers. It's like they're
dying. They get pleanty of water and about 7 hours a day under the
grow bulbs and they're warm next to the water heater. They were
doing great for about 3 months but now, I don't know.

Someone please help me save my peppers!!
How much water have you been giving them? Is the soil just a bit moist or saturated with water? If you've been over-watering them and have a fungus in the roots about the only thing you can do is to try to dry them out... if it doesn't work you'll probably have to sterilize your pots, check to make sure your growing medium isn't infected with something and start over with fresh seeds. Sorry...
Pics would be helpful, but sounds like a fungus in the soil. Mix about 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water, and water them with that a few times. Also, be sure that you are letting them get fairly dry between waterings - if the leaves don't begin to droop a tad between waterings, you're watering too often. It's a balance - keeping the soil dry enough to prevent fungus vs. moist enough to keep the plants going.
This is what I found the other day.




The four peppers that are left look fine

There does appear to be soil mites, would that do it?


And some places, where some of the leaves have fallen off, there's new leaves growing.

I've been watering them the same as I always have, once a week until the soil is moist. They were doing just fine like that for 3 months. Then literally while I was at work, half of the leaves fell off.
imho, it looks to be these few things :-

1. Rootbound issue
2. Lack of ferts or nutrient lock up (burnt/dead tips)
3. Not enough lights (leaf drop)
4. No air circulation (damping off, leaf drop)

I might be wrong though.