Well if I would have taken my G/F's advice and scrap the habs jalapenos serranos and just planted the more unusual and ones I cant get here I would be OK :lol: example in the fall
at the apple orchard I take her to (she likes picking apples for baking) I can get something like 4 pounds of chiles habs jala's tabasco's and 1 or 2 really hot chiles for 5 bucks
but they dont have nagas :lol:
Nothing wrong with talking/singing/playing music to them... But as Rainbowberry said, expecting them to dance along may be a bit far fetched. Though AJ, I'm a bit surprised that you're peppers haven't gained sentience and unionized. :D
They tried to unionize but I put an iron fist down and told them that I brought them into this world and could take them out just as easily....bwahahaha. As long as they live under my roof, they WILL do as I say....

How many of you have heard that from your parents before??
I am an addict!!! But not a pepper addict...yet, since this is my first year planting super hot peppers (bhut jolokia). But I am a tomato addict, my wife is already wondering how many tomato plants I'm putting out. I can't help it..there are so many varieties, I just want to try them all!! But I can't. Gosh if I become a pepper addict...what am I going to do?
ddrsheden said:
I am an addict!!! But not a pepper addict...yet, since this is my first year planting super hot peppers (bhut jolokia). But I am a tomato addict, my wife is already wondering how many tomato plants I'm putting out. I can't help it..there are so many varieties, I just want to try them all!! But I can't. Gosh if I become a pepper addict...what am I going to do?

Welcome to my world.

And now all the different egg plants are starting to look intriguing.
AlabamaJack said:
They tried to unionize but I put an iron fist down and told them that I brought them into this world and could take them out just as easily....bwahahaha. As long as they live under my roof, they WILL do as I say....

How many of you have heard that from your parents before??

I've heard it and caught myself saying it as well ... Maybe my parents were'nt as dumb as I thought they were
We are the people our parents warned us about.....
Ya I'm doing the eggplant thing now too, and I don't even eat them much...yet

One of my summer projects is to learn more ways to cook with egg plant. My neighbor says she has some good recipes she'll share.
Pam said:
the craving to come here and post about peppers at all hours of the night and day is overwhelming!
Oh god, tell me about it. I've been staying up really late some nights just hoping someone posts something...anything!

thepodpiper said:
AJ, If you let them form a union they might produce more. HeHeHe!!
Not worth it. Last year some of my pepper plants did just that. Half way through the season they stopped producing and demanded more compost. When I finally gave them more compost they produced three new flowers and then went on a 15 minute break. After the break they said they were leaving for vacation which it turned out they saved up 15 days worth....
imaguitargod said:
Oh god, tell me about it. I've been staying up really late some nights just hoping someone posts something...anything!

Well it's really quiet on here today, it's like watching your plants thinking something might happen ;)
I really really really like pie.......and cornbread too....
Most of the stuff I have is smarter than me Ms. Pam.....especially my wife...when she tells me somthing and I don't believe her, she is right 99 44/100% of the time just like Ivory