review I review Smokin James Bubblegum 7 Pot

Thanks for the review! I got to sample half of a very small red BBG7- most instantaneous throat burn/pain I have ever experienced...mouth and tongue effects came about 10-15 sec. later. It was like a South American tribal hunter shooting a poison/fire inducing blowgun dart straight into my mouth if I just had happened to yawn near him!! Woke me up quick! Respect!

Cool shirt..don't mess with Sasquatch.. :party:
Dynebag said:
Nice review man, that looked burny burny!
I'll never understand why you guys never wear gloves when cutting those bad boys :P

Only reason I didnt wear gloves is because I wasnt even close to taking my contacts out.Im also extremely careful not to touch the insides of the pod when handling without gloves. I see your good point though.
Alchymystic said:
Thanks for the review! I got to sample half of a very small red BBG7- most instantaneous throat burn/pain I have ever experienced...mouth and tongue effects came about 10-15 sec. later. It was like a South American tribal hunter shooting a poison/fire inducing blowgun dart straight into my mouth if I just had happened to yawn near him!! Woke me up quick! Respect!
Cool shirt..don't mess with Sasquatch.. :party:

Hahaha thanks buddy! I love the shirt too! The bubblegum is without a doubt a scorching hot and cool pod! Thanks for watching!
You are a brave man!  There were a few other adjectives I could have used, but this was the most favorable.  I'm growing the BB7 myself this year and it appears to be another one of the "inedible" variety.  Well, we always need more powder, right?  I have a few growing in 5 gal pots and they are doing very well, hopefully they grow true.  Thanks for the outstanding review.