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I think I might have an O crap...blossoms

So...what do you all think? I have never grown indoors and I have never seen blooms starting on plants this small. So my question is, do I let these go or pinch off? I have a bhut and a hot banana starting blossoms. I noticed several other small plants are also starting.. Oh and the roots are starting to come out of the bottom of the 4" pots..need to transplant again? I figured the 4" would be fine until garden time :( good news...the roots are as white as snow

Bhut Jolokia



Hot Banana



Nice healthy plants. I say if its not broken don't fix it. If you want the most produce cut em off (I never noticed a true advantage to it). They look really healthy (sign of a great working plan) and if it was me I'd be ready for some fresh homegrown peppers. I'd be proud.
Pinching off probably wouldn't hurt. The buds might just open up and fall off anyway. But if pollination is successful and peppers actually start developing... then you might have a problem. The safe thing to do to prevent the plant from wasting too much energy and getting stunted is probably pinch them off. I've seen a few plants stay small and produce very few peppers if they grew buds and opened flowers while still small.
You definitely remove them…I'm not sure what the best method is. It seems to me someone posted a thread a little while ago and said not to pinch, but maybe snip? I can't remember for sure. You want the plant's resources diverted towards the root system and main structure.
pinch the buds off quickly.. let your plant to grow bigger and bushier. it works for other plants as well. i did that to my basil plant and it became a big bush.:)
how big is your plant anyway ? all aerial photos only.. need some side views :)
You definitely remove them…I'm not sure what the best method is. It seems to me someone posted a thread a little while ago and said not to pinch, but maybe snip? I can't remember for sure. You want the plant's resources diverted towards the root system and main structure.

Well superhot..thats my other issue...I have all these in 4" pots..and the roots are starting to come out the bottom :(
yes i do..but now they have grown WAY faster than i hoped for. I live in ohio..so these wont be going outside for at least a month....and i do not have the room for 250 plants in bigger than 4" pots..not all are showing roots out the bottom yet..but many are
yes i do..but now they have grown WAY faster than i hoped for. I live in ohio..so these wont be going outside for at least a month....and i do not have the room for 250 plants in bigger than 4" pots..not all are showing roots out the bottom yet..but many are
i think it should be ok for it to be in those 4"pot for another month. keep bottom feeding as the roots will come out ,at least not over crowding in the pot & becoming root bound.

only thing is that went u are replanting/re-potting them that u have to be careful not to damage the roots
SH..i thought you were full of it when you said that...by golly you might be right though :)
This is a good problem to have a guess..but man..sure wasn't expecting these to grow this fast. I guess I can blame logchief, he is the one turned me on to bottom watering :lol:
I have never pinched buds, and have never had an issue with it. I just let the plant go on how it wants to. If it buds and flowers at 4 inches then by god it's gonna bud and flower at 4 inches.
well i did it this morning :( that was a gutwrenching task. I tried my bhut ;) off last year to grow bhuts and had zero luck..but i planted REALLY late..like in May. This year I have around 26 very nice plants. After trying so hard to get to grow and now that I actually did it..really sucked plucking off buds...but hopefully it helps them in the long run. Felt like I was cutting off one of my kids ears or something :)
This is a perfect opportunity for you to do an experiment. If your little ones continue to bud, leave a few of them alone. Make sure they are clearly identified and watch the comparisons throughout the season. That will provide you with the best information you can get.
on the roots out the bottom you can make deeper using
same 4" pots just fill new ones with soil cut bottom from first pot
and stack them with soil from top one touching soil on the bottom
you can even duct tape the two together
no increase in footprint just depth
SH..i thought you were full of it when you said that...by golly you might be right though :)
This is a good problem to have a guess..but man..sure wasn't expecting these to grow this fast. I guess I can blame logchief, he is the one turned me on to bottom watering :lol:

My wife read a thread the other day that AJ is bottom feeding now and his plants are taking off like yours. He noted that bottom feeding had eliminated the top growing algae problem. We'll employ that method this weekend…pray to god that my home doesn't get overwhelmed. My plants go in the ground around the beginning of June, so I have to manage their growth very carefully.
The wife-unit wouldn't pinch my hot banana, so I had to do it myself. (Hot Banana as in Hungarian Wax, you pervs).

Here's my emasculated Hung Wax (similar to yours, but not as good looking). Hope that pinching process will make it bushier.


(4-inch pot for reference)

I think us in the northern zones have to be more aggressive in the pinch department when facing "a few" more weeks of indoorsyness and running out of lighted room.
Well I wouldnt say they aren't as good as mine..look just as good to me :)
hopefully this weather we had today keeps hanging around!