organic I think I've found the best Organic Pesticide

I am a dick, it's not personal. Apologies for assuming you're in the peanut crowd but really, how else is one supposed to read your posts in this thread?
But then no insecticidal solution should be sprayed when pollenators are active. That should almost go without saying.
Apparently I did need to say it. Twice.
It's mineral oil. Of course it isn't good for any type of bug. If it was, it wouldn't be an insecticide.
I'm glad your spelling and label reading skills are up to par but your comprehension, not so much. Ah shit, there he goes being a dick again.
Typically when one refers to a pesticide as having a negative effect on pollenators, it is in reference to a systemic or persistent quality that makes the product particularly dangerous to bees or their flowerfiddling friends. Not in reference to the ability of nearly every pesticide to kill a bee.
That is why I mentioned oleic acids, and their effect of mimicking hormones given out at death. But then the bee must be sprayed with the solution and I believe we have covered that.
Are telling me that I can't comprehend what this paragraph is saying? What I read is that the residual protection is effective against bees, not just the direct spray.
PERIMETER TREATMENTS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS: To control aphids, ants, bees, boxelder bugs, centipedes,
cockroaches, crickets, darkling beetles, firebrats, fleas, ground beetles, fowl mites, mites, millipedes, pillbugs, silverfish,
sowbugs, spiders, ticks and wasps. In compressed air sprayers, dilute 1 to 8 ounces of Essentria IC3 per gallon of water
(use lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates for active infestations) and apply at the rate of 2 gallons per 1000
square feet or until area is thoroughly wet. Also apply to a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent
to buildings. Treat the building foundation to a height of 2 to 3 feet with sufficient water for coverage. Make special efforts
to spray areas where pest species congregate such as, but not limited to, waste receptacles, dumpsters, unoccupied picnic
tables, the exterior of food handling establishments, and food pavilions. Additionally apply around potential entry areas such
as, but not limited to, eves, windows, doorways, porches, porch lights, and around utility boxes. For power sprayers, mix
approximately 1 to 6 ounces of Essentria IC3 per gallon of water (use lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates
for active infestations) and apply until area is sufficiently covered (usually min. 4 gallons per 1000 square feet.). Maintain
agitation. Repeat as necessary.
Mineral oil typically kills by smothering. Perhaps there's another ingredient (one of the other herbal oils?) in that one that makes it effective as a residual perimeter spray.
Dr.Pepper said:
Are telling me that I can't comprehend what this paragraph is saying? What I read is that the residual protection is effective against bees, not just the direct spray.
PERIMETER TREATMENTS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS: To control aphids, ants, bees, boxelder bugs, centipedes,
cockroaches, crickets, darkling beetles, firebrats, fleas, ground beetles, fowl mites, mites, millipedes, pillbugs, silverfish,
sowbugs, spiders, ticks and wasps. In compressed air sprayers, dilute 1 to 8 ounces of Essentria IC3 per gallon of water
(use lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates for active infestations) and apply at the rate of 2 gallons per 1000
square feet or until area is thoroughly wet. Also apply to a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent
to buildings. Treat the building foundation to a height of 2 to 3 feet with sufficient water for coverage. Make special efforts
to spray areas where pest species congregate such as, but not limited to, waste receptacles, dumpsters, unoccupied picnic
tables, the exterior of food handling establishments, and food pavilions. Additionally apply around potential entry areas such
as, but not limited to, eves, windows, doorways, porches, porch lights, and around utility boxes. For power sprayers, mix
approximately 1 to 6 ounces of Essentria IC3 per gallon of water (use lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates
for active infestations) and apply until area is sufficiently covered (usually min. 4 gallons per 1000 square feet.). Maintain
agitation. Repeat as necessary.
Perhaps I'm slow on uptake in the morning, but I see nothing to support that. Those are merely instructions for application and have no reference to how the product works againsts insects.
Vanillin - Acts as a mild attractant to bees (no lethal effect). (Source)
Geraniol - Attractant used by beekeepers, also produced by honeybees to mark hive entrance. (Source)
Wintergreen oil - Used as an additive in supplemental feeds (as are peppermint and vanillin) by beekeepers to control pest/pathogens. (Source)
Peppermint - as above.
Rosemary oil - can't find any information. Feel free to look that one up.
Mineral oil, as mentioned, will need contact to have any effect on a pest or pollinator.
Polyglyceryl Oleate we've already covered.
Most essential oils break down to their lesser parts within 24hrs and are very sensitive to light degradation. All of these oils are toxic to bees and other insects in the right concentration (direct contact) and many act as deterrents while active in the environment. Which brings me back to the main point.
Don't bloody spray while pollinators are active.
I'm getting tired of beating you over the head with that last statement. Reading labels can only get you so far.