Icon for those who've passed away?

I was wondering what y'all and the Boss thinks about putting an icon for those who've passed away, like the TD and Wing challenge icons, under the members' name.
Or maybe the status could say something different.   Don't know what, just thinking that those who have been Banned, their posts are still here, but it says "banned" under their name/avatar.  P. Dreadie has gone to that Great Pepper Patch in the sky, but his posts, pictures, and recipes will always be with us.  Or at least as long as the THP website exists.  :lol:  
An image of a pepper with a black band like what FF and Law enforcement put over their badges, or maybe just "Passed" (or some other words?) under the avatar?
What do you think?
Thanks for the comments. Maybe some other forums do something like this, I don't know. There are so many of us that connect outside of THP IRL, and in pm or chat. Just seems like a good tribute.

And also a way for people to see what is going on. Sometimes people may not be on THP for a while and would miss the info that a member had passed, or a new person sends them a pm, not knowing they were gone.