id unknown pepper

Bought this guy at a local nursery a couple of months ago. As you can see, it is developing pods that appear chinense. I can not recall what they were labeled as when I bought them, though I am 99% sure it had the word 'cajun' in the name. Anyone have any idea?


btw I should add that it apparently has no problems with heat, as it's been hot as hell here for the past 10 days. 100+ degrees for 9 of the 10 and the pods have been growing / ripening just fine.

Happy 4th everyone
I agree. To big to be chinese. Eat one and see if they have any heat. Most likely in the Bell family.
Hate to beat a dead horse...

It's my fault for not providing some reference point for the size of the pods in my original post. Here is a picture of the same pod(s). I am not an expert, but these do not look like Bell to me. Any new ideas? Please?

they look like orange mini bell its a sweet pepper c. annum i have a friend who grows them

hope this helps thanks you friend Joe
please take a pepper and bite into it and give more info
note the seed color can also be a factor for identificationating
that as it looks a little pubicious to me by the shape of it

more info and better chance of identificatorator useful

no info no chance :crazy:
I've seen Cajun Belle's before so that may be what it is.

Did a Google search and found this link and pic.
The flower size, leaf growth and pod shape indicate it is a C. annuum. are there multiple flowers per node?