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Idea for next season...

Curious as how different locations and growers would produce from the same seed. So I am thinking... one person has seeds, a few people, send sase to procure said seed. Then they grow it out keeping somewhat of a log and compare at the end of the season. I think it would be cool to see how different they might be. What do ya'll think. :beer:
It would be interesting to see what if any differences. I don't think everyone starting at the same time would work, since i can plant out in the beginning of march. Whoever is interested, lets hear your ideas. I guess it would be a days to harvest thing.
It would be interesting to see what if any differences. I don't think everyone starting at the same time would work, since i can plant out in the beginning of march. Whoever is interested, lets hear your ideas. I guess it would be a days to harvest thing.

I think it would be interesting to see them planted at the same time. You will be able to see the effects of a longer time indoors. Seasonality and weather will just play a part in the experiment. I would be very interested in taking part in this experiment and seeing the resulting data as long as the information that is recorded for the plant is standardized between the different participants (i.e. creating and using a form). Information could be recorded on a Google documents spreadsheet so that everyone has access to the data in real time (and you can keep track of people slacking on data entry). Sign me up.
I think it would be interesting to see them planted at the same time. You will be able to see the effects of a longer time indoors. Seasonality and weather will just play a part in the experiment. I would be very interested in taking part in this experiment and seeing the resulting data as long as the information that is recorded for the plant is standardized between the different participants (i.e. creating and using a form). Information could be recorded on a Google documents spreadsheet so that everyone has access to the data in real time (and you can keep track of people slacking on data entry). Sign me up.
If you do it I think you just found the data person^^^^^ Looks interesting.
Rooftop, make up a sheet, it's beyond my capabilities. I don't wanna get super scientific, dates, ferts, and such... I was thinkin lots of pics with a tape measure and such. I guess it would be just how detailed an individual wants to get.
A growing contest sort of like we have had in the past. Well not a contest, but a comparison. Question is, who has a whole lot of seed?
I tried that with the Trinidad Scorpions last year and sent a bunch of seed out for that exact reason but evidently lost interest as the season progressed...

Well it went to 37 pages so someone tried. I am more interested in seeing what the differences are from the same seed from one individual, and see how other factors affect it. You pick what ever pepper grew best for ya and save seeds from those... any variety, just what did best for ya... in your location.