Ideas what to grow?

Sorry if this is in the wrong area but still getting used to the forum, can a mod move it if it is?
I'm looking to grow some chillis in a small greenhouse in the north of Germany this year and want to get started this weekend.
I want to grow some interesting and some hot chillis so does anyone have any recomendations as to what I could start with just now? would like some strange and wonderful chillis and some really hot.
Also I plan on cooking with them!
Hi there 
I suggest you check, they have a HUGE selection, you can select seeds by heat level, and check on pictures for the "cool looking" factor.
last but not least, they usually send lots of free seeds (I odered 4 varieties and got 7) not to mention that there are much more seeds than the usual 10/pack
cheers !
winningbee said:
Hi there 
I suggest you check, they have a HUGE selection, you can select seeds by heat level, and check on pictures for the "cool looking" factor.
last but not least, they usually send lots of free seeds (I odered 4 varieties and got 7) not to mention that there are much more seeds than the usual 10/pack
cheers !
Thanks! I will go have a look now :) and are good euro sellers.
chocolate hab are a rich tasty pepper that's hot but not deathly hot. Scotch bonnet is great as well. 
aji pineapple and aji lemon drop has a great fruity / citrusy taste that are hot.
if you want deathly hot chocolate scorpion, moruga scorpion, bhut jolokia(ghost) are good picks.
a cool completely black pepper get pimenta de neyde
a sweet pepper dulce espana or dulce italliano
juanitos said: and are good euro sellers.
chocolate hab are a rich tasty pepper that's hot but not deathly hot. Scotch bonnet is great as well. 
aji pineapple and aji lemon drop has a great fruity / citrusy taste that are hot.
if you want deathly hot chocolate scorpion, moruga scorpion, bhut jolokia(ghost) are good picks.
a cool completely black pepper get pimenta de neyde
a sweet pepper dulce espana or dulce italliano
Thanks for the site and the info!
I was thinking of a couple you mentioned so I think I should give them a try. Also the aji sound interesting and could go well In my curries!
Thanks again bud
Dont forget the Bishops Crown . One of my favorites and everyone likes what I make from this pepper. 5-30k on the scoville.
Some of the wild strains (ie.: Capsicum galapagoense) are difficult to germinate.

One vendor -- i think it was, but maybe i misremember -- said that Brazilian wild C. chinense types germinated about as easily as the domestic types. This group includes Cumari do Para, CGN 24360, CAP 691, and "Wild Brazil" -- all very distinct in flavor from most other peppers.

There are 5 species of domestic peppers: Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. frutescens and C. pubescens. All have different requirements. C. annuum is usually treatsd as an annual. Most C. baccatum plants grow quite large (but not all), and might get crowded in a greenhouse. C. chinense includes all the superhots, but also includes some mild (but tasty) 'seasoning peppers' (ie.: Trinidad Perfume and Aji Cachucha). Capsicum pubescens dislikes excessive heat, but tolerates much cooler temperatures than most peppers.
Obviously, the summer -and winter -- temperature of your greenhouse will influence your choices.

This forum includes many reviews of the flavors of peppers (Nigel Carter has been very informative on flavors), as well as much information on cultivation.

Welcome to THP!
JayKay said:
Thanks for the site and the info!
I was thinking of a couple you mentioned so I think I should give them a try. Also the aji sound interesting and could go well In my curries!
Thanks again bud
You can't go too far wrong with most c.baccatum.  Most are crunchy, flavorful, and reasonably productive (A trait worth keeping in mind.)
Suggest you browse baccatum for a while. Then, when you've become completely overwhelmed and befuddled with the myriad options, just pick half a dozen at random.  ;)
THP's very own Nigel has a number of articulate reviews of c.baccatum and other strains.