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IGG (Passow) Grow Log Part 4 06-01-2008 - Done Planting

Well, continuing the installment from last time...that's it, everything (at my folk's place) is planted out. Here are a few pics but first...the frost covers from last Wdnesday!


Pepper pots and goji berry.

REALLY large pot with Piquin pepper...and an old cactus. My mom swipped the cactus from her mom's funeral some 15+ years ago. I recently showed her how to transplant/pot up plants and she finally did it with this stunted little guy. Any ideas from the peanut gallery as to what kind it is?


Ugh, 4 image limit, this will be the last one until after I eat some good ol' famous Passow Pizza. This is the tobacco plants with three rows of radish seeds planted in front of them.
Looks great IGG!!! :onfire: I just finished up 2 days worth of planting, but I still have 15 plants to go. I would have finished today but ran out of dirt and containers. Hope you're tipping back a pint. I know that I am :lol:

Your tobacco plants look good. I was hoping to pick up some today when I was in Ripley but it was not to be. Thanks to all the rain in April and May, farmers are running behind time. They really don't want to part with a tray of plants (256) until they know they have enough to cover their fields.

You're growing flu-cured, right? Mine will be white burley. If you want, when I get the plants I'll send you a couple. If you are interested, PM me your address.

Pepperfreak said:
Hope you're tipping back a pint. I know that I am :lol:
Yep, that's why I'm delaying the second set of pics till tomarrow. ;)

wordwiz said:

Your tobacco plants look good. I was hoping to pick up some today when I was in Ripley but it was not to be. Thanks to all the rain in April and May, farmers are running behind time. They really don't want to part with a tray of plants (256) until they know they have enough to cover their fields.

You're growing flu-cured, right? Mine will be white burley. If you want, when I get the plants I'll send you a couple. If you are interested, PM me your address.


Thanks! I'm always up for a different kind of tobacco...although I have no clue where I'll stick it right now...hmmm...

Not 100% on what flue-cured is. Are you referring to my drying method?
bentalphanerd said:
How are the 'monsters' going IGG...is that one in the corner?

They are growing great. I ended up having four. Potted one (second picture in the first post, last pot on the upper right...it's getting flowers and has gotten to the point that I can't pick them all so I'm leaving them grow), another wnt to a friends house that is acting as my second garden area (pics to come in a week), thrids plant went to a bar owner that I know, and the fourth plant...ugh...I actually can't remember where that one went....maybe I only had three....
I bet those plants enjoyed the beautiful day we had today. They all look great!

BTW - Where did you get tobacco seeds? I've never seen any in the catalogs or websites I've seen. I would love to grow my own.
bentalphanerd said:
Awww thats nice they're getting around to see the neighborhood :D
Just think, they've gone from Australia, to Cleveland, to two other places in Cleveland! Hope they don't get motion sick.

Poisonette said:
BTW - Where did you get tobacco seeds? I've never seen any in the catalogs or websites I've seen. I would love to grow my own.
I got mine from a grower online. Just keep looking you'll find them. I have a bunch of seed I could send you if you want. PM me your address.

Here's the upside down pepper (Fatalii):

I ended up starting to worry about invaders of the furry kind about a week ago. We get lots of bunnies, squirrels, and chipmunks (of the non-signing kind) around the area and boy do they love to munch on garden veggies. So how am I combating this? PREDATOR URINE! No, not the Predator of the action movies….I received a restraining order from 20th Century Fox after the second attempt to collect it from him.

The stuff I got is a combo of a few predators like Mountain Lion, Coyote, Michael Jackson, and Wolf.

:shocked: Coyote Urine...That stuff must stink...LOL I'm sure it keeps the cats away though. I may have to find some for around here...LOL
Pepperfreak said:
:shocked: Coyote Urine...That stuff must stink...LOL I'm sure it keeps the cats away though. I may have to find some for around here...LOL

My dad said it does and my dogs started to back when I was appling it. They were about 100 feet away.

They actually go nuts over the stuff. I let them smell the bottle and they went all googly eyes....maybe it's female urin...
we have new neighbors two doors down who have two dogs and a cat (and no fence) they are extremely friendly and don't seem fased by anything (the woman who lives between us and them hates cats and she turned the hose on the little guy, cat seemed suprised yet oddly cool with it...), so it's making it incredibly difficult to keep them out of my yard (does anyone else let their golden retreiver wander the neighborhood? is that normal?) so i was asking at the co-op about predator urine and they said it will repel prey animals but it's actually good for directing the dogs and cats where to 'go' as some sort of territorial thing... also, i'm having issues finding anything that repels both dogs and cats... so tell me how it goes with this stuff and your dogs, i'd super love to know...
I bought this stuff too, to deter the field mice that ravage my tomatoes. I am saving it for when the fruit is starting to set though, as the mice seem to leave the greens alone.

Let us know if it works for you!
GB -since ya live in the city I'd call the local pound (animal shelter) & have them come pick up the cat or dog. if the owners dont care about their animals having it run all over, then they dont need to have it! & if they still want their animal back they need to pay a fee & it might teach them a lesson to keep control of their animals.& I'd keep doing it until they stopped letting their pets run free, also the fees go up each offense, or until the animal is put down or ?