• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Iggy's Hops vs. my Cannibis plant

Oh good Lord don't arm the hamsters!! DON'T ARM THE HAMSTERS!!!!

Hops are looking good IGGY. What's the process for using them? Fresh, dried, what's next after you harvest them?

patrick said:
Oh good Lord don't arm the hamsters!! DON'T ARM THE HAMSTERS!!!!
Crap! i just strapped the last nuke to the furry little guys. :shocked:

patrick said:
Hops are looking good IGGY. What's the process for using them? Fresh, dried, what's next after you harvest them?
Thanks, patrick. I'm going to use them fresh, dry them in a dehydrator (then stick them in bags in the freezer), and then leave the vine up and hope for a second harvest.

For me, the plant is just to look at, though it is suppose to be a butterfly magnet with large flowers later this summer.

But commercially, it has a lot of potential value both as foliage and to make paper from. In one year it is suppose to produce as much pulp as some pine trees do in 15 years.

Is that a quickly fading and abused pepper plant in the pot next to that monster wiz??????

Pepper police might be the ones who show up.;)
Fivestar, Iowa has it's share of ditch weed as well, spent a good 5 years fighting it on an acreage and I'll bet it's ruling today. Mowing does not affect it much. Burning only gets the chickens high, now that is a funny sight.
cheezydemon said:
Is that a quickly fading and abused pepper plant in the pot next to that monster wiz??????

Pepper police might be the ones who show up.;)

That pepper plant (sweet banana) has been fading since the middle of June!

imaguitargod said:
Very nice, what's it's height?

I'm guessing about 12' but I don't know for sure. When I cut it down I'll definitely measure it. The goal is to turn it into mulch.

pepperfever said:
Fivestar, Iowa has it's share of ditch weed as well, spent a good 5 years fighting it on an acreage and I'll bet it's ruling today. Mowing does not affect it much. Burning only gets the chickens high, now that is a funny sight.

Unless 5Star is somehow in a very moderate climate, it ain't Kenaf hibiscus growing!! It is a perennial only in very warm areas as it takes more than five months to bloom and once it does (and produces seeds) it takes two more months of non-freezing weather for the seeds to "cure" on the stalk.

I'm betting someone like AJ with his extremely long growing season (at least compared to Cincy) could grow an 18' plant, maybe higher.

haha you guys think THAT looks like pot? It looks nothing like any pot plant I've seen. .....not that I have ever seen one in person, or anything :rolleyes:

I bought cleome seeds, now THAT looks like pot.

It even forms the same bud structure, just with purdy flowers. I've yet to have any success with the seeds >.< makes me sad...

anyways.. lets see how your competition goes! Always wanted to grow some hopps!

I cut most of them down but haven't taken an exact measurement. But I know that if your hops got over 14 ft. tall, you are the champ.

There is a tree limb chipper at the fairgrounds I'm hoping to use to on the plants. Kenaf makes good mulch, as long as one is not trying to germinate seeds under it.
