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I'm Joining PG-AA

Hello, my name is Wordwiz and I'm becoming addicted to growing peppers.

Hello, Wordwiz.

I started off innocently enough, having my wife pick up some peppers from a local gardening store, just so I would have something to display at our County Fair. At the time, I thought a Hungarian Hot Wax was a foreign car wash that offered extra services.

As the long, hot summer wore on, I found myself spending more time with my peppers than my green beans or beets - I even let them go so I could tend to plants that I had never seen, let alone grown before.

The next step down my path to addiction was joining a forum where everyone seems to have the same compulsion - growing little fruits that pack a wallop. Soon, I was ordering bottles to put powder and sauce in and a coffee grinder to produce the powder. I don't even drink coffee!

The next step was even worse - I learned I may be able to grow these things year round. My efforts, instead of being concentrated on watching NFL football or UFC shows, has evolved to studying and then trying to implement a perfect greenhouse in an unused bedroom. I had never heard of PAR a couple of weeks ago, now I ask hardware store clerks what the PAR of a bulb is. They think I am talking about golf.

Now, I find that I am not comfortable unless I tuck my plants into bed of a night, giving them a spray of moisture before I turn their lights off, then do the same before waking them in the morning.

I have fallen into a cult, where the appearance of a flower or a fruit is a reason to rejoice, tempered only by the browning of a leaf as the season draws to an end. I feel as I have fallen into a cult - not an evil one, but a cult nonetheless. I'm sending SASEs to people I don't know, envelopes that contain precious seeds - the lifeblood of an addict.

Perhaps the only escape from this fixation is to take a deep plunge, to risk everything and bite into a Naga Jolokia. But diary, I fear that the burning fire will be quenched by a feeling of ephoria and I will forever be addicted.

In retrospect, I should have stuck with eggplants and Beefsteaks, but life has led me down this road for a reason.
wordwiz said:
Hello, my name is Wordwiz and I'm becoming addicted to growing peppers.

Hello Wordwiz!

I started off innocently enough, having my wife pick up some peppers from a local gardening store, just so I would have something to display at our County Fair. At the time, I thought a Hungarian Hot Wax was a foreign car wash that offered extra services.


Hungarian Hot Wax peppers are just one of several so called gateway peppers that retailers, for the sake of their profits, insist are safe. And it does seem innocent enough, stopping by a family oriented store like Walmart and picking up a six pack to go. Before you know it, however, you're find yourself craving stronger peppers, and eying the cayennes and finally, slipping back to get a habanero.

It's only a short step from there to spending hours fondling seed catalogs and emailing scurrilous sorts known only by sinister nics like Potawie or bentalphanerd instead of spending time with your family and friends. Next you find yourself slipping a few seeds into a cheery Christmas card to get them through customs or vacationing in Mexico or Brazil to scour the back country or obscure markets for your next fix.

We've all been there, Wordwiz, and I wish you could have been spared the pain.

I think this is a good time to remind all the members here that next year is an election year, and that this is a good time to press for warning labels on all varieties of gateway peppers. Attend local debates and question candidates closely on their stand on this issue; don't be put off by evasions of "looking into the problem". We need to act now, before more wordwizes share out fate!
I, myself have become almost obsessed with the thought of growing peppers of all varieties. I read constantly about different techniques for growing peppers in all phases of the growth cycle. I have even ordered a pepper diet book. 2 years ago (2005) I grew some Jalapeno's, Hot Banana's, and Serrano's. Last year (2006) I grew the same but added Tabasco to the list. This year (2007) I grew 13 different varieties that included Orange Habanero, Caribbean Reds, Thai Reds and Thai Oranges. Next year (2008) I am experimenting with 63 different varieties.

Hooked is not just a term for fishing.

haha welcome on bord wordwiz !you'r not alone in this situation! LOL ...does PGAA mean Pepper Grower Adict Assosiation ?? or something like that ;)LOL
I too have fallen... In my quest for heat I have succumbed.. Innocently enough an odd jar of cherry peppers would find there way into the cart... secretly ordering sauces to further quench my thirst until finally ... I dreamt of haveing my own stash of peppers and seeds I NEED SEEDS sounding like Dr. Frankenstein in his moment of no turning back ... First they came from California, Australia then Detroit I found some in Connecticut and catalogs...I must grow everything I dont know why I just do..
I dream therefore I am

Hi everyone my name is LuckyDog and I am an addict

Give it another week or two. The incubation period is just a tad longer than the germination period for some peppers.

I walk into a department or hardware store and instead of looking at HD TVs, power tools or patio furniture, I look at lighting, plant germination systems, containers, potting soil and fertilizer.

It gets worse - all your bookmarks are set to pepper or catalogue sites. You automatically know who sells the cheapest sauce and powder bottles, which coffee grinder leaves the least powder that you cannot scrape out. what dehydrator has the number of racks you need, what the best smoker is. You start ranking dates and looks according to peppers - she's a bell or she's a Naga.

My parents and teachers told me how to avoid pot as it would lead to harder drugs. they should have warned me about peppers instead.
I went over the deep end for peppers a long time ago. It's not as empty of an abyss as most people think...prity colors there too.
DevilDuck said:
I'm not an addict. I can stop anytime I want. I just don't want to.
I am an addict. I can't stop anytime I want. I will kill anyone who forms a chili-pepper intervention for me.......just after I make them eat a Habanero......... :hell:
Medicine claims that it really is a kind of high. At the least it just makes you feel a little better. At best it really reminds you that you are alive.
After snorting laundry detergent and taking my pants off over my head, I reckoned that peppers were safer. I can relate...sort of. Now I am chasing the dragon, habanero style! Cheers, TB.