I'm not eating these

Saved some seeds last year from a 7 Pod, not sure of the strain. On the bottle that I saved the seeds in I wrote "perfect 7" as the pod was darn close. I want to say it was a brain strain but I'm not sure. Anyway here's a couple of pods from that very plant.

This will give you an idea of the size of them. That's a small paring knife.


Here's the inside of the largest one on the right. Look at the juice reflecting the light.


I wanted to see if I could show the liquid so I put it face down on a clean paper towel for about 30 seconds. I didn't push it down or squeeze it, that would have been cheating.


Here it is. I think it's obvious why these monsters are so freaking evil.


Yummy huh?
NOM NOM NOM. That looks amazing. Why not eat one. Its good for you. Builds character. Or something. At least thats what Im told. I just like the adreanline rush and flavors behind the heat. Have you tried one before? Great peppers you got.
Just have a little bitty piece. I would love to hear what you think of the taste. They are some beautiful pod in the most evil way.
Lol, I think Patrick mentioned that he tried some before.....hence his knowledge on why he isn't going to touch these little beasties........I'm up for the challenge, j/k.
I have two ripened Brain Strains... They look like brains with brain damage and I'll admit they are the first peppers I am scared to taste test... Maybe if I get drunkered enough. Was gonna taste one if someone else was gonna taste test along with me. But all my friends last night laughed at the notion, one of them even turned down $40 to taste with me!
I haven't tried these but I did sample their "Ma n Pa" last year. Mr Tongue was not a happy camper.

Thanks for all the nice words guys.
pssst- webbie.....send me the $40 and the pod and I''ll taste it with you!


patrick, that's pretty impressive of the oil on the towel! It's really hard to show the little droplets on camera, but that is a very good demonstration of what's in these little bombs. Just imagine if you'd pressed down or had a small weight on the pods... :hell:
Ya know Patrick...if you need someone to take those off your hands and save you from the possible excruciating pain...I am willing to forego my personal safety and "take a few for the team" ;)
Neither of you should have to suffer to dispose of them. I can regretfully find a way to overcome their evil looks and dispose of them(yum) for your safety.
Makes my heart feel good to have friends like all of you folks. Thank you, thank you very much.

I'll probably end up turning these into powder or maybe a bit of pepper mash. I'm afraid it didn't produce a lot of pods for me and I may try and keep it going over the winter.

Wasatch you may have misunderstood me, the pods are quite small.