• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.



I do not know but I want to know , "How many of you have tried fiery Indian chilli peppers based pickles like Mango in Red chilli pepper powder and mustard in oil?
It not only is a big surpeise but a welcome change from usual western pickles.

Today, I prepared HOT THAI peppers pickle in oil with mustard .
It was pickled about 15 days back and today, I prepared the chutney form in a blender.
Taste is deadly and wonderful.


This pickle is my life line when I have my daily Indian food fare for adding to curries and Rice.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:

I pickles 1.5 lbs of Thai Hotties in Mustard oil and lotsa spices and ....this time, I added freshly ground Kashmiri peppers for color .

After ten days, when pickle matures, I will make a chutney of this pickle as usual.
Should last me till March 1st week.



Above pickle was turned into chutney after it matured into Wonderful Lava .
This time, I have added Reshampatti pepper powder freshly ground.


I am sending a portion of this to %$#@** person for tasting.

Who could this person be?


The only thing I would say is, one must be a bit conservative when using it as sandwich spread.
This heat is DIFFERENT from usual Pepper pickles.
Mustard oil along with Thai pepper and Reshampatti powder create a synergetic effect (If I may use this phrase)
which is totally different anyone has felt so far.

Well I got my sample bottle of the chutney/pickles today.

All I can say is WOW! Excellent from start to finish, slight aftertaste that clears up quickly.

The smell is strong, but not spicy. The fenugreek is both the strongest part of the smell as well as the most prevalent taste. The mustard is evident, but certainly a secondary flavoring. You can tell this is pickled, but it is not strong, not a long/heavy fermentation like some (commercial) varieties. It is extremely hot, much hotter than it smells, not too hot to eat, but this is no Tabasco heat.

I will probably end up using it on hamburgers or hotdogs. I know NJA doesn't do meat, and it could work on almost any bread, but I'm most likely to use it with a hamburger. If you do use it on a hamburger, I wouldn't add any additional mustard (and certainly not the abomination that is ketchup), but you may still want to add onions or other veggies that you normally top with.
Tkromer said:
Well I applied early to taste test his hot sauce, this was a bonus! I'll review the sauce later, I didn't eat it on anything yet, just stuck my finger in it :)

You haven't tried his sauces yet??? OMG, they are phenomenal! I suggested that he try and find a co-packer and try selling them. Yes, folks they are that good!
Oh I tried it, but just a drop off my fingertip. It's great! Just haven't really had a good sized sample to thoroughly review. I tried the chutney first off my finger and then on a big chunk if pita. I'm not sure how it's going to sit in my stomach to be honest, might have to post in tales from the loo ;)
Tkromer said:
Oh I tried it, but just a drop off my fingertip. It's great! Just haven't really had a good sized sample to thoroughly review. I tried the chutney first off my finger and then on a big chunk if pita. I'm not sure how it's going to sit in my stomach to be honest, might have to post in tales from the loo ;)

That is so funny.....:rofl:

I have to get some garbanzo beans for my review of it. I'm trying out a recipe from the Maker hisself.