The red infinity looks like it would really hurt , No munching on any whole pepper for me this year, as next week I go into the hospital, but will be healed up enough by fall to try some of what I grew this year in small amounts just to get a idea what their flavor is like.
This season I 'm growing the Red infinity monster, red Brain Strain, red Moruga Blend, red Barrackpore, Primo, Peach and Chocolate Bhut, Super Scorp, and some others
I'd like to try some of the yellow varieties at some point along with the Carolina Reaper and Douglah and Buch T. along with some crosses.
We had Some flooding from the storms and I still have a good 4 inches of water trapped in the garden by the raised beds, so we're good for rain for awhile. Hopefully the next batch of storms won't be to bad as I'm sick of this crazy weather.