Info needed Jigsaw Gourmet, Kumisi, Aji de Mono, Hontaka, Mako Bun

I just received these seeds from the Luck of the Irish exchange!
I can not find much info on most though.
Jigsaw Gourmet
Kumisi (Ukraine)
Aji de Mono
Edit... Mako Bun (Ghana)
I found some info on the Jigsaw.  That is if it is the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw...  Is this what it should be, or are their other peppers that go by this name?
Nothing at all on Kumisi and Maku Bun
Hontaka is a Jap pepper.  Any pics would be appreciated.
Aji de Mono is actually Aji Pinguita de Mono from what I can tell.  Funny translation.  Small Peruvian pepper plant.
Yes the jigsaw is a Fatalii and one of the nuclear Hots that's making waves atm. I don't know about the other ones ..
To rehash that.. I haven't heatd of any other jigsaws especially of they attached the gourmet reference, definetly Fatalii
I think the aji is actually  "Aji Pinguita de mono" but I could be mistaken. 
Edit: Oh nevermind... I guess I should finish reading before I post. 
KrakenPeppers said:
Yes the jigsaw is a Fatalii and one of the nuclear Hots that's making waves atm. I don't know about the other ones ..
To rehash that.. I haven't heatd of any other jigsaws especially of they attached the gourmet reference, definetly Fatalii
I was hoping so.  Thanks
mpicante said:
I believe one of those may be MAKO BUN!!!!
Thank you, I found at least a little info on these.
Maku Bun, c. chinense, from Ghana. Supposed to be an evergreen. Small chili.
Kumisis, c. annuum, from Georgia/Ukraine, cayenne shaped. Used in chili sauces there.
Hontaka, c. annuum, like chili japones.
Jigsaw gourmet. c. chinense. friggin hot.
Actually, there is another jigsaw, an ornamental annuum released by NMSU the same year as the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw. I call it the CPI Jigsaw to distinguish it from the Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw. And for more info on the FGJ, see this page from the guy that created it.
KrakenPeppers said:
Yes the jigsaw is a Fatalii and one of the nuclear Hots that's making waves atm. I don't know about the other ones ..
To rehash that.. I haven't heatd of any other jigsaws especially of they attached the gourmet reference, definetly Fatalii