Insanity - The Girls

I told myself and many of you that I would not start anything from seed until after my son's cat moves to kitty heaven, because she LOVES killing seedlings. But here I am, starting a grow log. Must have lost my marbles....

This was the sum total of sprouts on 2/19:

I hope you have better eyes than I do, as I can hardly see some of the newest ones.

Today, just four days later:

The newest ones, which were somewhat hidden in the pic above:

The 2 ridiculously tall ones are tomatillos, not peppers.

So far these include Cayenne (3), Congo Trinidad (2), Douglah (6), Jalapeno (3), and Orange Hab (2). I also have a tomatillo and an jalapeño in cups - they germinated in coffee filters, but haven't appeared above the surface since I moved them into the cups. Finally, my real insanity: 27 more seeds which will hopefully germinate this week, in coffee filters.

A note on the pics: when I use flash, the leaves look yellow. When I don't use flash, they look more green, closer to like they are in person. So the middle pic is without flash, the other two with flash. There hasn't been that drastic of a color change in the plants themselves. And no, the cups don't color change, either!
The cat or the peppers … hummmm, doesn't sound that hard to me :twisted:

By the way, you are going to love the Doughah :flamethrower:

Maybe a little hot pepper dust over the seeds? :hell:
You go girl! Just have the babies where the cat can not go, like a closed room. I have mine in the spare bedroom, no cats allowed.
I did clean out the back room a handful of days ago, and the girls now reside there when I don't have them in the front window. The back room is north-facing, so although it has windows on 2 sides, it's not well-lit, and have brought lights in. The front window (of course) is south-facing. I have to be careful with the newest ones, as when it's sunny and there's snow on the ground, the light is a bit too intense for them during the day. However, they've been holding up pretty well so far. Just gotta keep the eagle-eye on kitty when they're in the front window, as the living room has no doors to keep her out.

SuperHot - I think I will try putting pepper powder on them. Thanks for bringing that up.
Looks good geeme, it's amazing how they change. :dance: Came home tonight after being on the road for a few and was amazed at the change.
Just a warning about the chili powder...... My cats were not bothered by it, they would just bat around whatever I put it on and then they can chew or claw on it. I worked overnights and slept with earplugs. The cats would play with them if I didnt hide them. I finally covered one and shoved it in their mouths so they found out about the powder......(never saw them move so fast!) You might have to zap them so they know what that smell means.
Yeah, the first batch of seedlings she killed by peeing on them. The second batch by batting them around the house like so many toys. Good idea about a starting zap - prime the tap, if you will....
I covered some pieces of steak very lightly in death sauce 2020 ultra and scattered them around. I watched as I saw stray cats grab and run. Then suddenly they drop it out there mouths and freak. That's stage one.

Now they know what's bad, I scattered dry chilli flakes around my gardens, seedlings etc. Gardens no longer are scratched up, shat in or pissed on.

I did this only recently after going insane trying to stop these horrible creatures week after week.
looks like a good season start Geeme...and I won't even comment on cats...
Well, yesterday morning I had 31 sprouts and seedlings, plus 17 more in cups I'm hoping will still come up. Long story short is that 6 sprouts are now gonners. Something about mites and miticide....
Month later - an update. Lost some to mites, a couple to other things, but most are doing okay, with some still showing signs of the effects of insecticide. Also added a few.
Broad shot:

Some I repotted tonight:

And a mix of "old" ones, new ones, and more I repotted tonight: