instead of canning


Has anyone here tried to vacume seal fresh peppers?If so how did it turn out?I really don`t want to can banana,wax and fresh habs if I can get away with it.Any advise would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
vacuum sealing fresh chile pods is the same as vacuum sealing frozen chile pods! UNLESS one is blanched & the other isnt ;)

yes you can vacuum seal fresh unblanched chile pods, but remember they should be consumed within weeks/months (sorry i dont know how many weeks/months)
vacuum sealing is just taking the air out to be able to keep food for longer periods of time.

a fresh pod sealed (unfrozen) vs a fresh frozen pod sealed, will last the same ammount of time! if ya want them to last longer blanch them.

also remember once frozen they're only good for cooking or hot sauce, & drying once frozen pods might take ALOT more time to dry vs just drying the pods right from the start.
Vacuum sealing fresh peppers in bags can crush them and make a mess, but maybe a vaccuum canister would work better. If the peppers are frozen first then they will not stick together or get crushed and can be used later for most purposes. I've even started making poppers out of some frozen, vaccuum sealed peppers and they turned out better than I thought
Thanks potawie and chilihunter I appreciate the info/advise.I may try a small batch both ways this weekend.I dried a bunch last winter that were frozen first and thought i`d never get done.Took less time to grow them I think.few weeks to months will actually work for me.Once again thanks!
potawie - ok, I didnt know you were talking about crushing the pods, I thought you meant something like keeping/storing/spoilage for later uses.

but if the pods are small & compact like thais,cayennes,etc... then I dont think you'll have much of a problem for the pods getting crushed. but I could see some bigger pod types like habs,bells,etc... getting crushed maybe.

this is not a serious issue though, because you can simply hit the "manual seal" button. it'll start sealing the bag & stop the vacuum process so no crushed pods. just watch it & be ready to hit the seal button before the pods get crushed.

hixs - I believe it'd be in the months vs weeks before spoilage happens but I had to say weeks just because I really dont know, but if sealed properly you should be good to go for couple months IMO. the rest depends on if blanched or not (or dried but if this then I'd say years)

& if ya dont have a vacuum sealer, I'd get a "food saver" brand, its a good brand with options, & walmart sells them for a fair price.
okie joe said:
Has anyone used one of these or have one. I been looking for the last few months for a vacumm sealer and this one seems pretty good since you can use your own bags and jars. What do you all think?

The pump and seal looks like good value..especially with a ten year guarantee :)
Thanxs everyone and i`m gonna look into that.Thanks Chili and Talas. Sorry for the delay in answering but have been in the field.We`ll see what turns out. Rich