video Instructional videos

Hey follow chilli heads. 
How's the world of chillies over in your part of the World. It's been a while since I checked in with you guys and I got married to a Viking woman. Been mad over here in Australia. Seems everybody has chilli fever. Good for business though. Can't let you guys miss out... After Charlotte moved to Oz The Hippy Seed Company has exploded in a good way. I've started making an Instructional series on our YouTube Channel
Hope it helps getting your chilli peppers started.
We have had the best season yet with over 400 varieties going, heaps a new awesome rare seeds, just can't get enough. Love chillies. Happy growing.
Neil Smith
I watched your video on using jiffy 7 pellets the other day as I was keen to give them ago but had heard bad things about them.
Have followed your instructions and will see how things go  :)
Yes, we plant 5 seeds in one jiffy or a handful of seeds in a pot with seed raising mix. When the seedling are around 10 to 15 cm tall we gently separate them. We found that seeds sprout faster when they have company, lol...
Thank you!  I have a bunch of seeds getting ready for planting and am running out of room on my heat mats.  I normally plant 5 of each all in separate pellets.  This will save a ton of room!