Interview with Butch Taylor

So is the thinking that the current contender for the title of worlds hottest pepper is a cross between a Trinidad Scorpion and a Cumari ou Passarinho? I'm having trouble with this. I've grown both and the Cumari though hot isn't any where near the heat of a Trinidad Scorp.

I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own Butch could you just tell us?
Again, MAYBE! The first year I grew Trinidad Scorpions, there were no Nagas, Bhuts, 7 Pods, in my garden, the Bhut Jolokia was a rumor out of India that no one had proven, the Cumari Ou
Passarinho that I grew that year(and a couple before) were incredibly hot, they did lose some heat and other Cumari Ou Passarinho's from other sources have never been as hot.
At Open Fields in Indiana, the pepper was sooo hot and impressed(read, burnt up)so many
chili heads they said I should rename it, I deferred and Beth from Bayou Traders said it looked like a Witch's Tit and the name stuck somewhat. I have friends that have eaten the Scorpion, Bhut, 7 Pot, and the Witch's tit, swear the worst burn they ever had was from the Witch's Tit or that version of the Cumari Ou Passarinho. So if the Scorpion was 1.3 mil shu,
what could bring it up another 100,000 shu?
You sometimes it's not just a matter of combining hotter peppers. It's simply the result of the combined genetics that might cause the capsicum to raise to those levels. Think about it. The Bhut is a capsicum mixed with a fructecens.
I still say its too stable to be a hybrid, and a hybrid would have been more obvious. The Scorpion_BT have grown true and stable for me since I started growing them 5+ years ago
Even if it were a natural cross, it would be very hard to tell what the other parent is for sure, although easy to assume its the closest neighbour.
This is really starting to sound like Woody's Infinity pepper all over again. Maybe a cross, maybe not. It was located close to this plant so maybe..... :(
You sometimes it's not just a matter of combining hotter peppers. It's simply the result of the combined genetics that might cause the capsicum to raise to those levels. Think about it. The Bhut is a capsicum mixed with a fructecens.
I think you mean C. chinenses mixed with C. fructecens, but I believe all the known superhots have this combo.
I think you mean C. chinenses mixed with C. fructecens, but I believe all the known superhots have this combo.

Yes, that is what I meant.

Do all the superhots have this combo? Any sources on that? It would be an interesting read. Perhaps we should have some experiments with that.
Thanks for the reply Butch, it is appreciated. For some reason I have it in my head that when you cross a couple of peppers you end up with an average of the two for heat levels. Obviously that isn't the way it works. I have had a couple of different Cumari species and one of them really lit me up.

I picked up a few TS Butch T seeds from Judy and had two that made it. Gave one to a friend and I have the other one. I can't wait to try one of these monsters.
Okay, I have to try some of these crazy Cumari that you guys are talking about...I am officially on the hunt to snag some seed from someone here at THP.

I also wanted a good excuse to snag my 100th post!
Again, MAYBE! The first year I grew Trinidad Scorpions, there were no Nagas, Bhuts, 7 Pods, in my garden, the Bhut Jolokia was a rumor out of India that no one had proven, the Cumari Ou
Passarinho that I grew that year(and a couple before) were incredibly hot, they did lose some heat and other Cumari Ou Passarinho's from other sources have never been as hot.
At Open Fields in Indiana, the pepper was sooo hot and impressed(read, burnt up)so many
chili heads they said I should rename it, I deferred and Beth from Bayou Traders said it looked like a Witch's Tit and the name stuck somewhat. I have friends that have eaten the Scorpion, Bhut, 7 Pot, and the Witch's tit, swear the worst burn they ever had was from the Witch's Tit or that version of the Cumari Ou Passarinho. So if the Scorpion was 1.3 mil shu,
what could bring it up another 100,000 shu?

I think just because it has tested as an extra 100,000 wouldn't necessarily mean it was because of another plant. could it not just be the different growing conditions, stress etc? When Jim Duffy had his plants tested they didn't always come up with the same number but generally ranged between a few hundred thousand eg. I think he said the Douglah was tested between 800,000 - 1.2 million. When dealing with already such high numbers I don't think an extra 100,000 is really that much, If you were testing a Jalapeno on the other hand and it had an extra 100,000 then you would be concerned.
Whatever occured, no matter what, it could have been the specific mineral compounds in my soil, the near 100 degree f. days,
hot nights, perfect growing conditions, or that I planted them on the rise of the moon! lol It has stabilized, the ones I
grow still have that Battery acid attack mode, and if I want fruity I pick a few 7 pot "Jonah's". I really never wanted to make any claims for this pepper, I just wanted other Chili heads to enjoy the wallop it packed & just to be able to share
something that you may have not been able to find any where else (well at first anyway! :) )
Hippies opinion is clear, he swears by clumping peppers in the ground and also swears by worm jizz. Give them the best so to speak.
Butch I appreaciate all your replies and just cannot fathom it being a cross with the so called Witch's Tit Cumari, two totally different peppers that would be a very obvious hybrid. I think the better growing conditions have a lot to do with it, healthier plants produce hotter fruits. Do you also mind telling us from whom you got the original seed from in Trinidad or in trade? I have several growing and can't wait to try. Congrats by the way should have said so in the beginning. :cool:
Butch I appreaciate all your replies and just cannot fathom it being a cross with the so called Witch's Tit Cumari, two totally different peppers that would be a very obvious hybrid. I think the better growing conditions have a lot to do with it, healthier plants produce hotter fruits. Do you also mind telling us from whom you got the original seed from in Trinidad or in trade? I have several growing and can't wait to try. Congrats by the way should have said so in the beginning. :cool:

I believe he got them from a certain Mark on GardenWeb who got them from seedsavers.
I believe he got them from a certain Mark on GardenWeb who got them from seedsavers.
Mark was on Gardenweb, but he was on a private (invite only) MSN pepper forum when I got the seeds from him, he acquired them
from another Chili head, from New Jersey also, who supposedly acquired them from Valley View Nursery (I think that was the name of the nursery). As far as seedsavers, I do believe I offered seeds as a member one year, wasn't too much interest back then, I don't recall sending out any seed at all for the Scorpion. As far as the Witch's Tit(Cumari Ou Passarinho), you would have really had to experience the ones that I had to appreciate it, IT IS NOT THE SAME as the ones you get now, it had people on their knees @ open fields, the only other pepper that had that kinda results at Open Fields was the Trinidad Scorpion a couple years later.