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Introducing Fats to a Hot Sauce Recipe

I am experimenting with hot sauce recipes currently. I am wondering, is it safe to introduce fats into the sauce? Looking to create a silky sauce with sort of a luscious mouth-feel. One ingredient I am looking at using is Coconut Milk. I've seen Cutino Hot Sauce used that in their mango limited edition, so it's been done before.
Is this generally safe? Worried about botulism, etc. I assume if the pH is at a safe level, then I'm good, but are there any precautions I need to take? Thanks.
Fats are possible but require further training and licensing than regular non-fat sauces. They can pose higher risks if not done right.

I'd been licensed for vinegar based sauces for years. To get the bbq sauce which contains butter licensed I had to get Better Process Control School certified and record keeping for processing is way more involved than a regular vinegar sauce.

I'd say go ahead and play around with it. Do lots of test batches, but do not even think about any kind of selling without proper licensing and most important, a full process authority review and process approval.

Good luck, have fun!
salsalady said:
Fats are possible but require further training and licensing than regular non-fat sauces. They can pose higher risks if not done right.

I'd been licensed for vinegar based sauces for years. To get the bbq sauce which contains butter licensed I had to get Better Process Control School certified and record keeping for processing is way more involved than a regular vinegar sauce.

I'd say go ahead and play around with it. Do lots of test batches, but do not even think about any kind of selling without proper licensing and most important, a full process authority review and process approval.

Good luck, have fun!
Wow pretty technical my butter ghost sauce really makes me happy but, makes me happy
I'm interested in this too. From a fermentation side I've read it's a no-no since oils are devoid of oxygen, relatively neutral pH, and obviously hydrophobic..so when one of your peppers escapes around the weight and floats up into that oil you could have problems. But, I've seen people add oil after fermentation when blending the sauce together so I assume that's no issue. Key word assume..

I do want to pan fry up some garlic and onions in oil to blend with my finished fermented habaneros later this year.