DickT, please tell me those potatoe chip wrapped peanuts are deep fried. I love you, man. Not in an uncomfortable homosexual way,even though kinda close, but as in You have actually created a product wich will improve the quality of my life, and I fear for your well-being because God will strike down the false idols in my life.
The next time I load my pre-paid credit card I am buying as much as I can afford of your peanuts. No joke. I have previously filled my emptiness with a westernization of Vietnamese pho and eggplant curry, fried green tomatoes (since the bugs get to them once they ripen.) and ro-tell mexican style salsa with cilantro, but this is just the end of my search.
Thank God for the Hot Pepper forums and the potatoe-chip wrapped peanut.
My long search is over, and I shall soon sleep with my forefathers a happy man at long last.
(Insert Redd Foxx heart attack here. The real one, not the fake one.)