Ashen said:
If you had hidden the toilet paper too, we might have finally known the Hott Dudes secret identity.
Save the planet! Recycle!
The Hot Pepper said:
On a serious note, did you find Mike's sauce medium, hot, extra hot, extreme???
Obviously, I was tailoring the flavor profile of this sauce to my own personal preference, but I honestly wasn't "exactly" sure where the heat level would wind up. This was the very first (and only, I think?) sauce I ever made with Douglahs. Turns out the heat level is precisely where I'd hoped it would end up. Talk about luck, haha! I'm extremely proud of this sauce, and I can honestly say that the recipe has not changed (minus the liquid smoke) since the very first time I made it. No tweaks. Nothing. Straight from the fermenting jar to the blender, to the stock pot. No additions, no "resting" period, nothing. Just bottled. I was extremely lucky with the results, IMO. Especially since I was just winging it the first time I made it, haha.
That being said, I know what you mean about the number scales, particularly once they go PAST 10. For my preference (subjective tolerance), I put anything 10 or above into a "10+" category, I'd call it. I'm not gonna bother with trying to place something at a 12, 13, 14, etc. "10+" works for me. Once it gets to a certain heat level, it's doesn't become enjoyable to me anymore. That's where I'd draw the line at "10+"
Anyway, to me, this sauce just crosses over into "Extra Hot" territory. Not quite to "Extreme." If I had to give it a number, on "my scale," I'd probably put at 7.5 - 8. That's eating it directly off of a spoon though
("Extreme" would probably start at 9, for me)
Can't say enough about how grateful I am for all of your kind words about this sauce, everyone! I really thought I was onto something when I first made it, and it sounds (to me) like a lot of you are confirming my beliefs. Thanks again!
Side note: I did end up making a "medium" version of this sauce, and just bottled it yesterday. Once I'm done fermenting another "original" batch, you guys can start checking your mailboxes to do side-by-side comparisons

(and to let me know if the medium one deserves its own label

Thanks, everybody