is it Chilihead of Chilehead?

This one scares me more (probably the kid too)
Cap said:
Say Whaaaat![/b']OMG! The word chilly is obsolete?! I must be going nuts. Try running around the block in 24" of snow while only wearing your skivies and I think that you'll find that the word chilly still holds a place in the English language.

You know, I thought tha same of chilly....never heard it.

The info was from a Brittish website and I expect they don't speak 'Merican.
well i guess we will have to agree to disagree but im sorry if your running around in your skiveys(sorry about the spelling) in 24" of snow...that my friend is not chilly
thats fn cold
Girly man h e double hockey sticks.

It's 1 part blue agave tequila and 1 part Peppermaster Raspberries in heat served over ice.

Although I suppose if you put it into crushed ice, decorated it with a sprig of mint and a paper umbrella, it could become a girly drink.

Tina Brooks said:
Girly man h e double hockey sticks.

It's 1 part blue agave tequila and 1 part Peppermaster Raspberries in heat served over ice.

Although I suppose if you put it into crushed ice, decorated it with a sprig of mint and a paper umbrella, it could become a girly drink.


I like the raspberries in heat...good on crackers with cream cheese...never thought of a and your blue agave...might as well be Johnny Walker Blue! cause i can't affor that either! lol! :roll:
Tina Brooks said:
I'm not above making trades, Cap.


Hmmmm...I was thinkin along the lines of a freebie..butt... if it's a trade you want, I'd be up for it. I'll pm you soon to work out a few details.