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Is it just me...?


I recently dried some Fataliis and sprinkled less that a quarter teaspoon and these suckers are freaking HOT! I had also ate a pod and that was painful. Anyone else thing fataliis are insanely hot? I actually got disoriented and felt dizzy like i was about to pass out from just that little bit...
I had a strange experience with a fatalii recently too. I didn't find it extremely hot but I got the worst case of hiccups ever. I mean hiccups from way down deep and I really didn't think I would be able to keep it down.
Pods on any individual plant can vary greatly in their heat. Fataliis in general are pretty hot, but some can be wicked hot and others more mild. They're not considered "supers", but most are pretty darned close to it.
I feel like that whenever I eat anything hotter than Jalapeno. hAAAAhajhaha

this hot suckers are way too hot to eat----just a sniff and my peter snorts
Pepper Guru says that his Fatalii peppers are the hottest peppers he's had. I personally think the ones I've tried are about on par or slightly above a habanero.

Don't quote me on that comment about Pepper Guru lol It's what I remember reading in his glog and I haven't tried his but I've tried others and a few I grew personally. Hotter than a hab but not by much. I'm sure there are some hot ones out there though.
I had some Fatalii apple butter 6 mo's ago that had a really pleasant burn to it. It was delicious, sweet & great on pork. So I thought "hmm....those aren't very hot"

Then a friend offered me a raw pod - and of course, thinking they weren't very hot I took a pretty sizable bite & it burned the hell out of me. Hiccups, slight stomach ache, 20 min mouth burn, ring burn later - the whole 9 yards.

So I agree - those are absolutely a really hot & underrate pepper. I'd love make a sauce with them some day - they have a terrific flavor.
I haven't eaten one yet because you don't see those around here but after all the raving that goes on about them on this site, I bought some seeds a month ago or so and have some plants growing. Come Jan or Feb, my mouth should be burning. :D

Fatallis are deadly hot with a very concentrated fruity flavor. Internet sources have them maxing out at 300,000 scovilles. This is a gross underreporing.
I haven't eaten a fatalii in quite a while, but I can remember the burps and hiccups, I eat a lot of cayennes mainly because I like their flavor, but this summer when we had the drought I picked a pod off of a scrawny plant and took a big bite, I knew then that it was much hotter than normal, being that I hate to put a pepper down I shoved the rest in my mouth, boy was that a mistake. I started to choke and couldn't catch my breath and for a minute I thought I was going to have a heart attack ended up throwing up, it was almost as bad as the first time I ate a ghost pepper, I think the capsicum in the pepper was more concentrated, at any rate some times the heat of the pods can vary a lot from mild to face melting.
so i have 2 types, the orange fatalii and the yellow fatalii. i don't know what i am going to do with the orange ones, the plants are big producers and when you first cut into them, they emit a strong habanero smell. i would like to think they taste like an intense orange hab flavour but i can't be sure. the power of the pods is just too over-whelming. no citrus, just burn. i am trying to figure out if my dorset naga is hotter but i can't tell, the burn is that fast. at least with the naga i get the sweet citrus flavour before i have to clench my temples as if my head might explode..... not happening on the orange fatalii it is just "pain".

the yellow fatalii is not as hot, has the citrus flavour that is always mentioned.... still hot though but at least there is some sweetness to its flavour.

i am still a bit confused, originally the fatalii was to be a yellow citrus flavoured pod and that is what i thought i purchased. but, the first batched turned out orange. the second batch of seeds came from peppermania and delivered the yellow pods with citrus sweet flavour. as a matter of fact, i have to harvest some tomorrow. but the confusion comes from my orange fatalii, as the first batch of pods where orange, the second batch were yellow.... still no sweet citrus though.

i have a bag in the freezer, that will most likely end up as powder.
You can deff taste citirc acid in fataliis no doubt on that. But the burn ahhhhh :P

so i have 2 types, the orange fatalii and the yellow fatalii. i don't know what i am going to do with the orange ones, the plants are big producers and when you first cut into them, they emit a strong habanero smell. i would like to think they taste like an intense orange hab flavour but i can't be sure. the power of the pods is just too over-whelming. no citrus, just burn. i am trying to figure out if my dorset naga is hotter but i can't tell, the burn is that fast. at least with the naga i get the sweet citrus flavour before i have to clench my temples as if my head might explode..... not happening on the orange fatalii it is just "pain".

the yellow fatalii is not as hot, has the citrus flavour that is always mentioned.... still hot though but at least there is some sweetness to its flavour.

i am still a bit confused, originally the fatalii was to be a yellow citrus flavoured pod and that is what i thought i purchased. but, the first batched turned out orange. the second batch of seeds came from peppermania and delivered the yellow pods with citrus sweet flavour. as a matter of fact, i have to harvest some tomorrow. but the confusion comes from my orange fatalii, as the first batch of pods where orange, the second batch were yellow.... still no sweet citrus though.

i have a bag in the freezer, that will most likely end up as powder.

I know hands down my fatalii genetics are spot on. I could send ya some seeds if you want a true hot yellow citrisuy fatalii
i once chopped up an orange colored fatalii and put it on a slice of pizza, thinking it would have a habanero level of heat. it tasted hotter than any habanero i ever had, and it was almost at the level of a superhot like a bhut. tasted delicious. very citrusy.
I think they're just a pretty variable pepper. They're always hot, but sometimes you just seem to get one that goes completely thermonuclear. If I'm not mistaken they're basically a "landrace" type, not something bred under controlled conditions for consistency, so maybe it's not surprising that they'd vary from pod to pod more than some other types.

This summer we made a batch of vindaloo using *one* Fatalii pod with two pounds of chicken, and it was about all anyone could take. A typical orange habanero in the same role will get you an honest medium-hot and not taste nearly as good.

Last year I got seeds from Pepper-Guru and grew 7 plants that produced like crazy. The genetics are spot on and the flavor is great. I love the heat. They make great cheesecake too.
Fatalii are fickle. If you get some true Fatalii with the correct pod shape AND size then they are crazy stupid hot but the flavor is amazing. If you get a hold of what a lot of people think are Fatalii but are more along the lines of a devils tongue or Aji cross then you will not have your face melted off. If you have grown Fatalii and think they werent "that" hot then get a hold of some of us that have grown a true one and get some seeds.