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overwintering Is overwintering necessary in AZ?

Just wondering if I could keep my plants outside by the end of the season. My parents don't want them inside, so I was trying to see if that could be avoided.
If you stay above freezing you should be fine.  You will lose leaves and possibly new growth with frosts but the actual plant will survive. 
millworkman said:
If you stay above freezing you should be fine.  You will lose leaves and possibly new growth with frosts but the actual plant will survive. 
Im in phx and if the temps drop too low cover them and like millworkman says they'll get a little frost bite and lose some leave but mine bounced back
+1 to Millworkman
If they're in pots and you can move them, if you can at least move them into the garage if you get a freeze, that would help. I've had mine outside (but covered) when nighttime temps got into the high 30's, and they were ok as long as the daytime temps got back into the 50's, give or take.