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chinense Is there a difference: 7 Pot vs Trinidad Scorpion

Don't know what this guy's credentials are but he sure has a good argument.

See for yourself: http://www.fiery-foods.com/pepper-profiles/153-chinense-species/3024-trinidad-scorpion-or-trinidad-7-pot-both
Just one man's opinion but that is like saying all peppers are tepins because that is where they originated from. Definitely different peppers at least the regular Trinidad Scorpion, but I have noticed similarities between the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend and the Brain Strain 7 Pod. I believe the Scorpion and 7 pod were cousins like the Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich, but are now different unique varieties. Not all scorpions are ButchT, and not all 7 Pods are Brain Strains so different strains are evolving.
As long as they look the same they are the same? So there is hope for the red habaneros I have that have nice folds and fat but pointy tails. Who woulda thunk? :silenced:
Just one man's opinion but that is like saying all peppers are tepins because that is where they originated from. Definitely different peppers at least the regular Trinidad Scorpion, but I have noticed similarities between the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend and the Brain Strain 7 Pod. I believe the Scorpion and 7 pod were cousins like the Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich, but are now different unique varieties. Not all scorpions are ButchT, and not all 7 Pods are Brain Strains so different strains are evolving.

One guy's opinion after 3 years of growing is hardly enough to change my mind. They look different, grow different, and taste different, therefore I'd say they are different
They are both also listed by CARDI as Trinidad landrace varieties
Gives me a little more input on the varieties into why I was questioning my scorpions. Until I put some photos on here and asked you guys, I thought I might have had 7 pot's. Or is it still the other way around? This is making me go around in circles in my head! Still love the plants though.
"this guy" Jim Duffy, is habanero500 on the forum here...just search on habanero500 and you can read some of his posts...
No doubt they're related. This is my 4th season growing them and I've noted that some of the pods resemble each other on the two plants. However, there is a very interesting flavor difference between the two. For my palate, the 7 pot flavor is better by far.

Another interesting trait I've noticed with the TS plants I've grown is that they exhibit an almost "tree-like" shape rather than a bush shape. The TS plants I've grown have a canopy that's similar to what an Acacia tree has (with the sort of flat top).
Bob_B I've noticed the difference in plant appearance too.

Thanks for the info AJ. I was thinking the guy may have spent some time here. I checked out his web site and he's got a big heart when it comes to using the money he makes off of his seeds. I can support that.

Just more information for discussion all.
It's pretty likely that the scorpions and 7 pots share a lot of similar genetic material, but it might be a stretch to say there is no difference whatsoever, much like naga morich and bhut jolokia probably share a lot of genetic information, but they are still distinct. It's all speculation without scientific genetic testing, but Trinidad is a very small place. I don't see a major problem with questioning it though. It's not like he's some random hack. He might not have had the best introduction here on THC as habanero500, but that should not discount his opinion or passion for chiles, something that we all share in common here on THC.
They may very well be 2 seperate chili strains that grew in isolation on the same island. or they could both have a common ancestor.

but due to isolation , soil conditions, selective breeding. they became seperate chili varities.


all chili came from the americas but over 500 yrs later
we got thai dragons, yatsufa jap chilis, congo fatalis, ugandan habaneros,
hungarian wax, pepperika, gogorung, jolokia. african birds eye chili, which could have originated as the texas chil tepin.
maybe the 7 pod and trinidad scorpion could have migrated from the mainland from venzuela?
or shared a common ancestor on the mainland?

more theories.
I feel all euper hots have some relation, but as of now the 7 pot and Scorpion are different w/o a doubt. Just looking at the interior nails that down.

I 2nd Bob_b's observation. All of my 1st batch of 7 pods grew tails. This being my first experience with both peppers, I honestly would of sworn I mixed it up with the scorpion if I haden't been so meticulous with labeling. Similarities aside, the flavor profile alone says that these are definately two different peppers. I could certainly buy into the idea that they may be related though.