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Is There a Market for Dried 7 Pods?

I looked in my freezer today and started to wonder whatever can I do with all these 7 pods. I have at least 6-7 gallon bags full. I couldn't use that many in 10 years! I should be drying them and selling them. lol. I've got endless bags of Jolokias too.

Just TOO many super hots this year. I wouldn't be saying this if they were Thai Orange or Tobascos or some hot, but not nuclear pepper.
..................................................................................................................................................................................................I am speechless.

I would sure as hell powder up a shit load of them. They are ripe right?

I would also make sauce.
Hey,alls fair in love ,war and this economy,Sell them bad boys,Pepper spray companys,Boat anti foulant companies,hot sauce companies,Start a mash,and your own pepper sauce company.See G.W.search mash.I was going to try a mash but my 7s stored in vinegar...not sure it would work now.
Hey why not powder them and sell them on good old fleabay, surely someone would like some!! Or ask your local buther if he would be willing to stock some on his shelf, i don't know how legal that would be though.
Is There a Market for Dried 7 Pods?

is this supposed to be a trick question ?

well lets see theres a market for bhuts,chipotle,habaneros,bells,etc... so YES!!! theres a market for 7-pot chiles.
if someone is willing to buy bhuts,dorset nagas, & any other type of super hots then they'd be willing to buy 7-pot products.
Check with different companies around your area espec ially meat packing etc. Bhuts and Nagas were selling at $3.00 per pod around here this summer. Dried should be the same.
The research I've done always comes back to the same thing...... 3 DOLLARS A F##%^ING POUND?????????

I would sooner give them away on here or save them.

Powder will last a while, canned sauce will as well.

This is your chance for sauce experiments!
cheezydemon said:
The research I've done always comes back to the same thing...... 3 DOLLARS A F##%^ING POUND?????????

I would sooner give them away on here or save them.

Powder will last a while, canned sauce will as well.

This is your chance for sauce experiments!

Think pepperfever said 3 bucks per pod, not pound. That's a big difference lol. I can see how that would be a fair price based on how much heat is in 1 pepper compared to the amount of heat the "average" person can handle. A single 7pod could last my mom a year and a half lol
pepperfever said:
Bhuts and Nagas were selling at $3.00 per pod around here this summer. Dried should be the same.

when you say around here do you mean in MN ? if so whos selling super hot chiles in MN. the price is crazy & wouldnt pay that but I'm curious to know who, is it BC ? but dont remember them selling those types.
You guys are cracking me up....

Let the process begin.




