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Is this a weed or someting edible?

This is in my Tomato section, but it looks odd. Is it a weed, or something edible?


Might be some form of Salvia or Sage plant. Also looks vaguely like my Thai holy basil.
Does it smell like anything you recognize? Make a neighbor you don't like give it a taste test.
Might be some form of Salvia or Sage plant. Also looks vaguely like my Thai holy basil.
Does it smell like anything you recognize? Make a neighbor you don't like give it a taste test.
I'm sure Nova would be in favor of giving it to a cat to test. :lol:
Mystery solved. It has no smell, however upon eating a leaf, I instantly noticed it was stevia. My dad remembers having planted it in front of the tomatos.
I do wonder though, how dangerous the "taste test" is. If I chew enough to salivate, are there many weeds that can cause health problems for me, or am I generally OK if I only eat a very little bit?
it looks like sage but if you think it is stevia, you would know by the extremely sweetness of the leaf. i have a couple types of sage growing in my herb garden, but when i was at a local nursery i saw some stevia, $4.99 per plant. so i thought, lets just sample a leaf and see how sweet it was. it was sweet. you can use this herb as a substitute for cane/beet sugar.
Yep, it looks identical to the stevia plant I just purchased. It's only listed as hardy in zones 9 -11, so I'm surprised it would overwinter in New York!
Sorry, when you said your Dad remembered planting it, I just assumed you meant last season.

This is my first time growing it. I wonder if they are worth the trouble of overwintering indoors? Tried a couple of times to start some from seed, but never got any germination.