Since peat is not really a renewable resource (takes several centuries), and harvesting it destroys wetlands and wildlife habitat, buying American might not be in your best interest. But yeah, most potting mixes are peat based.
Agree. It needs perlite and lime. 80% peat and 20% perlite is ok.
I can say coco is way better but you need to ph your water with coco a reason I never used it. The lime in the peat is a ph buffer and hold a stable ph.
peat has very little nutritional value if I'm not mistaken...but it can be used to store nutrients soaked into the soil will need compost, manure, or a combination of both mixed in with the peat to make it a viable growing medium...
Research coir a bit, it needs more specific nutrients due to its composition.
Peat and coir do not really hold nutrients so you probably will want to add nutrients to your water if growing indoors or outdoors mix in compost/manures etc