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Is World War III coming? It looks like it might, and soon..

arm yourselves...all I got to say...
yea! i need to get some more mags for the 10-22! :D

cant believe i forgot this video!
this is a minuteman 3, coolest icbm system evar imo. these look how accurate these damn things are with just INERTIAL NAVIGATION.
they are slamming into the ground at like mach 12 btw.
No ill intent to anyone here but WW3 has already commenced, it's just not what/how we're expecting. Never underestimate that fastest growing religious group on the planet and their extreme hatred of our day to day life styles and beliefs !! They are spreading like wild fire world wide to boot.
What I find funny is all the fearmongering reagrding Iran.

Iran is a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty w/ a safeguards agreement.

Just the other week Israel's own defense minister was in the US and admitted that Iran is working with the UN's watchdog group the IAEA. The IAEA confirmed that Iran is not working on a nuke.

Hell, Iran cannot even refine it's own gasoline. Yet, somehow Iran is going to destroy the US with warheads/delivery vehicles they don't have???

60% of Iran's population is under 30/35 and Pro-Western.
If Iran is bombed imagine how many new recruits the US will face for many moons to come.

One more thing, Will we borrow more $$ from China or Social Security to finance this militarism?
We are BROKE

No specific country would have to bomb any other specific country.

A few dozen or whatever number of nukes and or chemical/bio weapons in our atmosphere or ocean would cause a slow death to everyone on earth eventually anyway.

We live in a fish bowl.

I have no idea how many nukes or whatever it would take to ruin the balance of life in the ocean but I'm sure there is a point where the balance would be so messed up that the ocean couldn't do it's thing.

Everything on earth would be screwed up in turn.
If nothing else a large part of every living thing would be history eventually.

just think of what we have already done with pollution and that wasn't on purpose.

What would radiation and or some kind of bio weapon do.
Some of that stuff hangs out a long time and there are probably some bio stuff that can survive and possibly mutate and be a serious problem for a very long time.

All it takes is a few nut jobs thinking if they can't have things their way nobody can...

No specific country would have to bomb any other specific country.

A few dozen or whatever number of nukes and or chemical/bio weapons in our atmosphere or ocean would cause a slow death to everyone on earth eventually anyway.

We live in a fish bowl.

I have no idea how many nukes or whatever it would take to ruin the balance of life in the ocean but I'm sure there is a point where the balance would be so messed up that the ocean couldn't do it's thing.

Everything on earth would be screwed up in turn.
If nothing else a large part of every living thing would be history eventually.

just think of what we have already done with pollution and that wasn't on purpose.

What would radiation and or some kind of bio weapon do.
Some of that stuff hangs out a long time and there are probably some bio stuff that can survive and possibly mutate and be a serious problem for a very long time.

All it takes is a few nut jobs thinking if they can't have things their way nobody can...

To add to this SM....all we have to say is Chernobyl.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster

Wasn't caused by war but the results would make this look like the kiddie pool.

The human race is a virus on planet earth. One way or another we will destroy the place that gives us life. I don't think we will all die unless there's an outside force such as meteors, the sun or anything else of the catastrophic nature.

As for war, it's happening all around us and has never ceased to end. It will never end. We are at war with ourselves on a daily basis. If you are interested in bettering the planet....then look within..because we can only do that, by bettering ourselves.
My Hero. :)

Wanna see something really scary? This is a video showing all the nuclear explosions by year, month, and country. So, we've already had over 3000 nukes set off in our atmosphere. This is the most sobering video I've seen in like, well ever. It's a bit lengthy but you will be better having seen it.
