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It;'s Not All About The Peppers...!



Of Coarse Peppers Do Not Hurt...

Here's the new crop Easter Morning, 14 Days old...

You know there is another thread available for growing things that aren't peppers so in all actuality when you're posting in this thread IT IS ALL ABOUT THE PEPPERS!
Sorry to up set ya Patrick but like you say it's all in fun...

Got to have Toma Verda if your going to make Green Chili and firm tasty Tomatoes for Fresh Salsa...

To me their the canvas and peppers are the paint...
I also have the DeMilpa Tomatillo, Red, Orange, Yellow short vine Tomatoes and 12 types of Peppers for painting...

It's going to be a Very Good Year Jack..."-)
OOOOOOhhhh DeMilpa! That's my favorite tomatillo. The purple color is gorgeous, and the plant is really cool looking too!
Plannin on growin some tomatillas (sp) myself this year. Hope they make a great "canned sauce". pH should be similar to tomatoes from what I read.
no hijack intended....but here are two pics of the tomatillos I have growing right now...these things are growing like wildfire...


the other side view and I just noticed....they have baby tomatillos on them....they are in 4" continers and will be transplanted to larger containers in the next few days....

Tomatillas will take valuable Pepper space,They are considered a nuisance plant in the Palm Harbor Pepper Patch!lol!I just don't have a big enough
location,I have to get them at the market but they are avil. all year here at least,and dirt cheap.
understand, but I just needed to grow them this year.... :lol:
Great looking plants Jack, thanks for sharing...

scoville... Everything is cheep in season but they don't taste anything like home grown..."-)

They make wonderful sauces fresh/cooked/caned and I encourage everyone to give them a try...

Of the Solanaceae/Nightshade Family and is related to Peppers, Tomatoes and Potatoes...

Tomatillo plants are highly self-incompatible so two or more plants are required for pollination...

Like Tomatoes, transplant them deep as were the stem contacts the soil they will produce roots and a good root system is the key to a successful crop...

Here's photo's of the bloom/fruit off wikipedia...


those are gorgeous...
splitcane said:

This is the variety I grew last year. They have a great nutty flavor when they're ripe, and turn a deep purple if you take the husk off and let them ripen that way. Wherever the husk remains, the fruit remains somewhat green.

Be prepared to stake/cage/rope these babies in too. They sprawl like mad!