So: a few of my peppers have turned red; some are going purple-which should lead to red; and a few new green ones have sprouted that are about an inch long. My sense is that the growing season will come to an end next month, so I'm now starting to formulate my plans for these ridiculous peppers. I'm a reasonable fermenter, having made pickles and kimchi over the past couple of years, and after reading a great deal about how fermenting can extend the flavour profile of peppers into something more complex than a sweaty mucous-filled Scorpion-munching clown-show, am now considering recipes.
My thinking leads me here: at the point that it's time to pick them, I'll slice them, de-seed them, and put them into a Kilner jar with salt, garlic, and sugar before placing them on the shelf for six months. This is, of course, a simple plan that's not particularly fraught with peril. But even a cursory read of the recipe forum suggests that adding other peppers, apples, mangos and various other fruits and spices are both easy and productive, so if anyone with any experience fermenting these peppers for a long time has either a recommendation or general advice then I'm listening and would like to hear from you.
It's likely that I'll want to make a sauce or have a jar that can be spooned into dishes, and will be labeled with something pithy to celebrate my PhD viva, which is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Thinking of these of goofy peppers has been a nice distraction from an otherwise bizarre time.
It might be relevant to know that I have food processors, but no blender, and a brand new Nakiri knife that needs some exercise.
Any thoughts?