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Italian Chillies

I think PIC 1 is spot on! There are several italian/calabrian cultivars that look quite a lot like these "mazetti" - meaning "in bunches" because they grow like this, is just one, which is often sold in my local hyper market still attached to their long stalks. Have a look here: http://www.agricolabuttarelli.it/peperoncino.asp
The Italian institute STUARD lists a lot of mazzetti-varieties in their seeds catalogue: http://ecommerce.pepperparma.it/pages/home.aspx?lang=ENG
A favourite of mine is Abbraccio, I have used this for breeding, will post a new topic with a lot F2- plants when they ripen in a few weeks...
Donnie said:
I think PIC 1 is spot on! There are several italian/calabrian cultivars that look quite a lot like these "mazetti" - meaning "in bunches" because they grow like this, is just one, which is often sold in my local hyper market still attached to their long stalks. Have a look here: http://www.agricolabuttarelli.it/peperoncino.asp
The Italian institute STUARD lists a lot of mazzetti-varieties in their seeds catalogue: http://ecommerce.pepperparma.it/pages/home.aspx?lang=ENG
A favourite of mine is Abbraccio, I have used this for breeding, will post a new topic with a lot F2- plants when they ripen in a few weeks...
Thanks for the follow-up reply...
That was an interesting video from the 1st link. I have some Calabria's drying out that will be used on a fresh pizza this weekend.