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It's baaaaack!!!!

Well, just moved all the special cactus' inside and set back up the lights (that are from the 70's)....so pritty! Grow my babies...GROW!!!

Josh said:
Say what? Who were you? What scene?

He was one of the whores that came up and slapped johnny Deep in the face....

I can't remember which one......But he did a good job didn't he...;)
Josh said:
Say what? Who were you? What scene?
Ya, I've been in a bunch of movies. For Pirates I played a Marine Band Fife Player in which I was on the right side of the procession of the band leading the marines in during Norington's pramotion. A Marine Major where I was on top of the wall when Jack's standing on the sword during the hanging scene (you can spot me because I draw my sword when I am running on the top of the wall), and I'm also in the Pirate's children's book in this costume and I'm in the end scene when he falls off the wall and into the ocean. Also I played a regular marine which didn't get me any screen time in that costume and I spent a week out in the ocean sleeping in a hamock under the decks at $500+ a day.

millworkman said:
Just five special cacti?
Nope, 7 special cacti and a suclunet (Jade plant).

Brokensea said:
Didn't Jonny Depp sleep with you during production?
No, but I smoked pot with him in his trailer.
Chiliac said:
To be honest, I can't see a single cactus on that pic!!!
That's because they are only babies and are about 7 months old. :)
imaguitargod said:
No, but I smoked pot with him in his trailer.

I'd just like to go on record saying this: You're a bastard.

Lol are these the special cacti that form buttons or ones that grow tall and are still special but less recognized as such?
Txclosetgrower said:
I'd just like to go on record saying this: You're a bastard.

Lol are these the special cacti that form buttons or ones that grow tall and are still special but less recognized as such?
The small, button forming kind. The tall ones are not worth starting from seed for you can get them off the net quite readly. I got a 4 foot tall one for $25 off eBay.

Chiliac said:
Well, that's what I meant, too. I was sure I was understood.
You were understood the first time by me ;)
imaguitargod said:
The small, button forming kind. The tall ones are not worth starting from seed for you can get them off the net quite readly. I got a 4 foot tall one for $25 off eBay.

You were understood the first time by me ;)

A few times a year the local succulent society has a plant sale. I got a bear paw and a type of jade plant at the last one, and they had good sized ones that were actually already branching for < $50. Like as much as you'd need and then some.