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It's getting cold - And the chillis keep on growing!!!

It's starting to get cold in my neck of the woods (nothing less than about 15 degrees celcius, so it's not that bad) and my chillis are still producing like mad!! :)

most of my chilli plants (the habanero plants are the best for it) still have upwards of 70 - 100 chillis on them.

My question is:

Is there a good way to ripen the fruit once you have removed the plant from the ground???

I would love to be able to ripen as many as possible to get me through the winter..

Thanks guys.
I don't know about when you've removed the plant from the ground but if the fruit isn't quite ripe and you cut it off the plant you can always then put it in a paper bag with a ripe banana.
are you in Sydney moyboy?

last year I had a heap of emerald green colour orange habs at the end of May, I just made green hab sauce out of them. they'll still be hot and edible.

I was in the same position last October. A killing frost was forecast so I dug up the hab - it was full of unripe pods and blooms and brought it indoors. The blooms fell off but I managed to harvest just over 100 pods in the following three weeks.

Be on the lookout for bugs, though. Some little red ones pretty much destroyed the plant.
