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misc It's not a pod! FFS

@Pr0digal_son I am gobsmacked by your ignorance of botanical naming conventions. I can only imagine you new system - a system without type specimens so we have nothing to compare to and no doubt polynomials where every minor variation will become a variety and form - like the cactus taxonomy where a minor colour form (from within a larger continuous population) became "forma" - hence Genus species subspecies variety form.
You are a typical horticulturist "taxonomist" - every tiny variation viewed in isolation and considered a new taxon. Your lack of understanding of how species are named and described is apparent. I strongly suggest you visit a herbarium and have a reputable botanist explain it to you - not some crackpot horticulturist "taxonomist".
I wish you luck on your lonely hilltop from where you are going to revolutionise the botanical naming convention and try and take it back to the mess it was.
who is that GIF
The point of my OP was to point out that Capsicum fruits are not pods. So why call them that. Call them chiles/chili's/chillies/Chile peppers. I have never seen a curry or spicy recipe that calls for .......pods. Nope. It calls for chili's (or your preferred spelling). Not fucking pods. Do you get it now?
It's very unfortunate that crackpot pseudo taxonomists derail a reasonable and logical discussion because logic denies their bullshit Capsicum "taxonomy". Capsicum pseudo taxonomy has become the gathering place for misfits who thrive on stroking each others flaccid egos.

The point of my OP was to point out that Capsicum fruits are not pods. So why call them that. Call them chiles/chili's/chillies/Chile peppers. I have never seen a curry or spicy recipe that calls for .......pods. Nope. It calls for chili's (or your preferred spelling). Not fucking pods. Do you get it now?
It's very unfortunate that crackpot pseudo taxonomists derail a reasonable and logical discussion because logic denies their bullshit Capsicum "taxonomy". Capsicum pseudo taxonomy has become the gathering place for misfits who thrive on stroking each others flaccid egos.

😲Hey pal are you ok? Even if this song is great, there's no reason to (I'll quote MJK): "smack someone in the fucking mouth" here!
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