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Its official I HATE WINTER

bentalphanerd said:
Theres a 'winter'...what is that exactly :shocked:

Right now it's pre-sunrise, spring is from 8am-12pm, summer (for those in The Great White North) is from about 12:30pm-5:00pm, fall goes 'till about 8pm, then it's winter again.
DevilDuck said:
Right now it's pre-sunrise, spring is from 8am-12pm, summer (for those in The Great White North) is from about 12:30pm-5:00pm, fall goes 'till about 8pm, then it's winter again.

Ya know, I'd come down there and lay a beatin' on ya, but despite the back rub from the little woman last night, my back is still too tight from shovelling 87 tons of snow over the weekend...Plus, I'm Canadian - we only fight when wearing hockey equipment...:cool:
rainbowberry said:
It's so windy here the rain is horizontal.

According to the snowed in crowd, though, unless the rain is frozen, it doesn't count. Clearly they need to sit through a hurricane or two.
Pam said:
According to the snowed in crowd, though, unless the rain is frozen, it doesn't count. Clearly they need to sit through a hurricane or two.

Pam, Pam, Pam...as soon as you have a hurricane that lasts four bleepin' months, I will bow down and declare you ' The Crappy Weather Winner'...up here, we are breaking records for snowfall...as unCanadian as it is, I'm sick of the stupid SNOW !!!!!

That's a good thing. I wish the one here would be like that. sure is better than turning on the news and hearing of 18 year-old kids that were killed today.
Seems someone was enjoying the snow last night my daughtor and friends were jumping out of one of the upstairs windows into the big mound if snow that used to be a front yard while we were in back with the tractor lol Hot Canuk...You forgot our millitary has a few rubber dingies canoes and maby 1 or 2 beaver traps lol