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off-topic Ivermectin

Happy NewYear everyone!
Hope everyone is healthy.

I just wanted to try to spread this video around in my small world.
A good friend of mine that I trust, personally knows and trusts this Dr Kory.
I have not researched this stuff myself yet but DrKorys testimony is compelling.
Im right in the middle of making the vaccine decision myself as a healthcare worker.
sorry I dont know how to link it properly.
CDC and NIH dont seem to listen to these Drs.

Hope this video can be a starting point. This was my first exposure to this info. Now ill have to read more
Vaccines are one of the greatest tools of mankind. Influenza. Polio. Yellow fever. The list goes on. Measles.
Please, please, please trust the majority of the world. There is no plot from scientists to make money. There is no cabal. I promise you that. The reason the USA is where it is in the pandemic is bc of all this malarky.
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug used on parasitic infections, which are quite different from viruses. 
My vet has prescribed Ivermectin multiple times to my reptiles to fight stomach parasites. My boa constrictor has been on it twice. I even have leftovers on hand. Have a google.
Rather than trusting politicians or even any news media, have a look on the medical journal sites where scientists and doctors go to publish their work and have peers review it. The lancet is an excellent starting point.
I didnt watch the video yet but I thought this drug sounded familiar.  Ivermectin is what is in my dogs heart worm medicine.  Supposed to kill any eggs before they grow into worms.
And, if you are a sushi fanatic, it will rid you of worms! Another plus, it is available at any local Tractor Supply Orschleins.
Pretty sure there are clinical trials being conducted on it for covid-19 in different countries.

There could be some actual truth to this. After watching the video I went around and tried to do some research myself. It seems for years past they have been tapping into the antiviral properties of ivermectin. They could be onto something here. Something to keep in mind. This is not meant to replace a vaccine. This is a therapy drug. A cheap readily available one that seems to be working based on these trials.
The misinformation about this is RAMPANT in Latin America. Heart-breaking.
Unbiased article talking about ivermectin's potential. Notice trial sizes. Notice the researchers saying evidence is not there to prescribe.
Notice reference #2 within which dosage is discussed. This is the kicker. That article is worth a read if you want to dig deeper into ivermectins potential or lack thereof. This quotes directly from : https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bcp.14476
"While the findings by Caly and colleagues provide some promise, several pharmacokinetic factors limit the immediate translation of their findings, and there is no evidence that the 5μM concentration of ivermectin used by Caly and colleagues in their in vitro SARS‐CoV‐2 experiment, can be achieved in vivo. First, the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in humans is well described,3-5 and even with the highest reported dose of approximately 1700 μg/kg (i.e., 8.5 times the FDA‐approved dose of 200 μg/kg), the maximum plasma concentration was only 0.28μM.5 Second, 93% of ivermectin is bound to plasma proteins that limit its cellular uptake by endothelial cells.6 Considering both the total plasma concentration and protein binding, the free plasma concentration of ivermectin would be 250 times lower than the concentration required to reduce viral replication of SARS‐CoV‐2 in vitro (Figure 1). Third, whilst there is no data on the tissue penetration of ivermectin in human lungs, the total concentration of ivermectin in calves injected with 200 μg/kg reached only 100 ng/g (approx. 0.1μM) in lung tissue, which suggests that its accumulation would not be sufficient to achieve the antiviral effect with conventional doses.7 Although high doses of ivermectin in adults or children are well tolerated,5, 8 the clinical effects of ivermectin at a concentration of 5μM range are unknown and may be associated with toxicity. Consequently, ivermectin has in vitro activity against SARS‐CoV‐2, but this effect is unlikely to be observed in vivo using current dosing."
tl;dr  -  you can take gallons of it but it wont get into high enough concentrations in the right places (LUNGS) to affect SARS COV 2
nature is quite well-know, trusted, unbiased
AaronB said:
A right wing, biased, politically motivated Dr. 
Sigh... :banghead:
thanks for the research above I appreciate that and will take the time to go through all of it. That being said I'm failing to see where a doctor pleading for the government to not make it about money has any sort of political motivation. He's an ICU doctor. With no ambitions of a political career.
Hes asking to prescribe ivermectin which even at extremely high doses cannot physically get to the levels needed to affect sars cov 2 ... he knows this, it's been out a while.
Hes also downplaying vaccines publicly and calling them out as money grabs which is insanity, literally.
Side note - multiple vaccine makers are not for profiting their covid vaccines. Astrazenica, J&J for example.
Hes also downplaying antibodies / plasma, which has quite a history, calling it about money.
Maybe hes not politically motivated and he's a Dr who just doesn't believe in vaccines and antibodies and other proven, peer-reviewed, extremely well-documented scientific breakthroughs of the past...
In favour of what?
Spreading misinformation and platforming unknowns before proof.
This all does go to show $$$$$ and medicine don't mix. Free heathcare and medicine is the only way to be unbiased and stakeless.
I simply just don't believe that the pharmaceutical companies are not going to make their money off of this. Do you have any links to transparency from these companies? I'm especially interested in companies like Pfizer because I just don't believe that they're not in it for the money. I believe their doctors that work for them are in it for the people. But I don't believe the company itself has anything at interest except for monetary. And one thing that has to be remembered. half the people in the United States are ignorant and are not going to wear their masks they are not going to follow distance protocols and they are definitely not going to get a vaccine. I think these people are just trying to find good therapeutics that will work when people do contract it. Which is equally important. I personally am not going to jump on board to a vaccine until I've seen it work for a couple of years. I would love to see better therapeutics come out that is why I'm trying to understand more about this. Also my country is a long way off of any universal health care.
Ok, lets do a little thought experiment.
Sars kills unhealthy, older people, mostly, for now. We can all agree that if you have a few significant conditions you're prospects diminish quickly. No numbers here just generalization.
Lets look at a company like Pfizer (who took no US money from warp speed).
Are they based off profit?      YES.
Who do they make money off directly OR through insurance?
Sick folks. People with heart disease. People with immune diseases. People with diabetes. Cancer. HIV.
So now we have a disease killing off all their best customers. Uh Oh. A million people die, most of them were buying medications.
How do we keep profiting? Use your powers for good and make sure all these people stick around for more than one last profit.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
I don't disagree about big pharma. 100%. In this case though, even if they're only concerned with their wealth, they are doing everything they can to keep their current customers alive.
peppersproutfarm said:
I simply just don't believe that the pharmaceutical companies are not going to make their money off of this. Do you have any links to transparency from these companies? I'm especially interested in companies like Pfizer because I just don't believe that they're not in it for the money. I believe their doctors that work for them are in it for the people. But I don't believe the company itself has anything at interest except for monetary. And one thing that has to be remembered. half the people in the United States are ignorant and are not going to wear their masks they are not going to follow distance protocols and they are definitely not going to get a vaccine. I think these people are just trying to find good therapeutics that will work when people do contract it. Which is equally important. I personally am not going to jump on board to a vaccine until I've seen it work for a couple of years. I would love to see better therapeutics come out that is why I'm trying to understand more about this. Also my country is a long way off of any universal health care.
I know, and I hold so much sadness for your people. This means vaccines will not be efficient in your country. Everybody needs to be on board.
A perspective from a far off place, as sad as it is - I pray our borders stay closed to America. Breaks my heart, I have family with you folks down there.
Also, the longer video I linked to a few posts up explains in a bit of detail how Pfizers mRNA vaccine works. It's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
They definitely put up the money for the exact reasons that you're stating. And they stand to make a huge profit for distributing the vaccine. It sickens me that pharmaceutical companies can even operate for profit anyway but that's a completely different subject about how capitalism is ruining my country. I also see based upon the link above what you are saying. He may be reaching a little. Okay quite a bit. I still don't feel it just vaccine alone is going to be the end of this. Especially based upon the actions of a lot of the people in my own country. Science needs to find a good therapeutic that works to eradicate the virus once it's contracted.
AaronB said:
Also, the longer video I linked to a few posts up explains in a bit of detail how Pfizers mRNA vaccine works. It's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
I have read about the vaccine. I'm not against it. I just want to see it work for a while without any ill effects and without any crazy mutations in the virus itself. I'm not against vaccines but I am against ones that don't work over the long term. I am against ones that you have to continue to take. It's the reason I will never get a flu shot. But my child is still vaccinated against the measles as am I. When things don't work I don't take them. I want to see this one work
Agreed there needs to be a therapeutic, and I too am hopeful that this or something else that requires few resources will become efficient. Agreed on the whole capitalism thing as well...
The issue we are seeing, repeatedly, are charlatans and snake-oil peddlers taking inconclusive data and preaching it against good scientific data. Trump being the worst of them all. 
Crap, had Ron Johnson, Trump et al. preached masks ..... the data speaks for itself.
I get that people want a Vaccine that works. We all do.
Check it out, I googled 'vaccine efficacy chart diseases', let's look at all our knowledge before we write off how things are effective.
Take your pick!
Flu shots are incredibly important and yet downplayed. Many of us use the word flu for general sickness. Heck, back when I called in sick to work the odd day it was my favourite excuse!
However, influenza is extremely devastating. Especially to older populations.
The biggest thing we all tend to forget, often, including my insignificant self ---- it's not all about ME.
I wear my mask for my community. For my neighbour. My family. Everyone I love which is everybody, no exception. It probably won't protect me, so I hope the people around me care enough about me to keep me safe too, but my safety with this thing is up to everyone but me, unless I become a hermit.
A vaccine that we 'evolve' as we battle a disease over time, because said disease is clever and evolves with us, is even more important to get because although we get muddled in our individualities the viruses do not. Letting off the gas allows it to take advantage.
Flu shots should really be mandatory, just as all serious disease vaccines should.
And, at the end of the day, you take the yearly shot to protect yourself, sure, but it's far more important to take it because you care for your community who may not fair so well.
This pandemic has been a litmus test for how we care about each other... I'm prouder than proud to protect my neighbour, even if they don't feel the same for me..
I've taken the flu shot twice in my life. I've only had the flu twice in my life. And it happened within weeks following each shot. both times I was given tamiflu. The tamiflu knocked it out within days. Everyone I know that has ever had the flu recently took tamiflu and it was gone within a few days. I will never take a vaccine that has to be readministered annually when there's a medicine that can get rid of it that quickly. And I distance myself. I wear my masks. And I do all the same you are doing to protect those around me because that is what is important. The right avenue is healthy living. Sanitary living. And distancing. Not much of a problem for me considering I don't like people in general.
peppersproutfarm said:
I've taken the flu shot twice in my life. I've only had the flu twice in my life. And it happened within weeks following each shot. both times I was given tamiflu. The tamiflu knocked it out within days. Everyone I know that has ever had the flu recently took tamiflu and it was gone for a few days. I will never take a vaccine that has to be readministered annually when there's a medicine that can get rid of it that quickly. And I distance myself. I wear my masks. And I do all the same you are doing to protect those around me because that is what is important. The right avenue is healthy living. Sanitary living. And distancing. Not much of a problem for me considering I don't like people in general.
This is an interesting post, in so far as you are against pharmaceuticals (drugs, pills, etc) and their companies, but would prefer to take drugs over educating your own immune system from time to time.
Totally contradicting yourself here.
Vaccines just teach our immune systems how to fight.