food Jalapeno Popper Soup

made some jalapeno popper soup the other night.

Ingredients: 12 jalapenos, chorizo, heavy cream, red onion, mushrooms, garlic, butter, chicken stock, lime juice, cumin, salt/pepper, red bhut chile powder, chihuahua cheese, cilantro, sour cream (garnish).

just starting:


ready to go:
Simple and delicious, I ‘m not a fan of cumin, but everything else sounds great. The pictures of the final product look fantastic. Funny thing is when I saw your title of the thread and based on your throw down entries I was expecting something a lot fancier. I imagined that you had actually made poppers and maybe incorporated them into the soup as a pseudo wonton then infused them with a miso/cilantro bouillabaisse. LOL
Simple and delicious, I ‘m not a fan of cumin, but everything else sounds great. The pictures of the final product look fantastic. Funny thing is when I saw your title of the thread and based on your throw down entries I was expecting something a lot fancier. I imagined that you had actually made poppers and maybe incorporated them into the soup as a pseudo wonton then infused them with a miso/cilantro bouillabaisse. LOL

the beauty about this one is that you can make it taste however you like your poppers to taste. don't like cumin - leave it out. like bacon - put it in. it's simple and too the point, and very good. thanks for thinking it would be a lot more complicated though :)