seeds Jalapeño seedling seems to have a problem

Hi All,
Since I'm in Canada, I've started a few pepper plant seedlings indoors in a grow box that I have.
All my seedlings look o.k. except for the Jalapeno ones.  The leaves seem to be curling (downwards), and there some strange yellowish growth on the bottom of the leaves.  I've looked at the stuff under a microscope, and it's not powdery, it looks like the leaf surface is popping out.
NB: the white residue on the top of the leaves is just drywall dust... long story.
Anyone have any ideas?

First off -  :welcome:
... I've experienced the same curling with my Jalapeno plants - all grown indoors. I've read plenty that they can be very picky about growing indoors. They seem to growing much better now that they've been under my 1000w HPS for a good while.
As for the stuff on the underside of the leaves - I think that may be from over-watering, if I'm not mistaken from seeing so many other posts on the same issue. :)
     The bumps you're seeing look like edema. It's caused by overwatering. Not a problem - it won't hurt the plant, although overwatering can cause other problems. The curled leaves look like a nutrient deficiency, I can't remember which, though. Ca, maybe? I'm sure somebody else will know for sure.
edit: I did some digging… I was wrong about Ca deficiency. It looks like it may be either: K deficiency, Cu deficiency or over fertilization. Check out the thread entitled "Pepper mosaic virus on my Douglah", the THP member Zantrax posted an AWESOME table that shows the effects of a lot of nutrient deficiencies/toxicities. What are you feeding it? 
Agree - bumps look like edema, from overwatering. Can't hurt the plant though? Yeah...... Over time, overwatering can kill your plant. The edema is not technically harmful, but what causes it is. Overwatering can lead not only to edema, but to the leaves yellowing and finally the entire plant giving up. Additionally, an overly-wet condition leaves the soil susceptible to the damping off fungus, which can also kill your plant.
Your plants seem old enough to use the approach most of us here use - let the leaves droop just a little between waterings. The drooping is the way the plant tells you it's ready for more water. Also, if you don't have enough drainage that they need watering once or twice a week, get some more holes in the bottom of the containers.
geeme said:
Can't hurt the plant though? Yeah...... Over time, overwatering can kill your plant. The edema is not technically harmful, but what causes it is. Overwatering can lead not only to edema, but to the leaves yellowing and finally the entire plant giving up. Additionally, an overly-wet condition leaves the soil susceptible to the damping off fungus, which can also kill your plant.
     Whoooooa there! Take it easy! ;) I guess I worded it wrongly. What I meant was edema in and of itself isn't much of a problem. Overwatering, obviously, is. Thank you for tactfully bringing it to my attention. :mouthonfire:  :D
Sorry - there's a lot of misinfo out on the web that gets repeated here, and I wanted to ensure slam_to understood the real problem. But yes, I did not understand your intent from the wording - came across to me as if slam_to shouldn't worry about his plants. Glad to see we were both on the same page at the end of it!
Wow, thanks everyone!
I think I've been over watering.  The plants are in Solo-cups, with a few holes punched in the bottom.  I guess they've been sitting in damp soil too long.  They're big enough so I should transfer them to bigger pots this weekend.
Actually I haven't been fertilizing them, except right at the beginning when I was getting the seedlings going.  I'll start using a diluted Miracle Grow to see if it fixes the leaf curl.
Thanks again,