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Jalapeno Wilted

Not sure what happened with this plant. Yesterday it was fine and today it's all wilted. I don't see any signed of aphids or anything else. Nothing has been eating on it. All I did yesterday evening was feed it some fish fertilizer at 1/2 strength. Any idea what happened?

Here is a picture from yesterday.

These are from today.

That plant look almost as one of my chili plants i gave Biobizz fish fertilizer i changed room and put it under a light and the day after it was ok agin. But it was a bit bigger then your plant.
And my tomato plants are doing samething now (not sure if i gave them the fish fertilizer).
Try have it in the shade for a few days and just water it without fertilizer.
The wind here has been horrible so I have not had my plants outside. Today it is cloudy and very windy. Tomorrow we are suppossed to get rain so they will be inside. I am in the process of setting up flouroscent lights to keep them under until I can figure out a way to block the wind.
Just give it a break for a while. Maybe a sunny window. When it recovers, pinch those buds ASAP. That thing is way too small to be trying to make pods already.
It's outside as i type, but it is overcast. Artificial lighting will be set up tomorrow as no sun is given until Monday.
Thanks for the responses.
Same thing happened to a couple of mine last year (I was using seasol and power feed) figured I just mixed the fert a bit strong, all I did was leave them alone for about 2 days and they came back stronger than before... Good luck mate hope they recover.
I just bought it from Home Depot last week. The bottle was clean and it didn't appear to have been sitting for an extended period of time. I've read somewhere that the fish fertilizer does have an odor. I may just return it and try and fiind something else. My area is limited with products and I thought about ordering online, but the shipping cost is outrageous. I really don't like miracle grow and that seems to be norm for alot of people on this site.
Yes it does have an odor, but your description had me wondering. :)

It may be fine or it could have been sitting on the shelf for an extended period. No date code on the bottle?
That plant has been hit by wind and sun. Move it to a cooler less hostile environment....Spring is a dangerous place for peppers that have been grown indoors (including greenhouses).
I'm no expert but IMO possibly the fish fertilizer was too strong? I always err on the side of being conservative. If it wasn't for our egos wanting big peppers, they come supplied with all they need to grow. Yes I like big peppers too but I worry that too much is NOT good for them. Give that poor plant a good rest and it may recover. I'd definitely do not do anything to it for a few days, maybe if it shows signs of perking up a good flush of clear water to wash the fish emulsion out of the soil. Then let it sit and dry a while, not totally dry as in dead but not overly moist. See how it does from there. Old fashioned and simple works for me.
Oh well. The jap bit the dust. Left it outside today and forgot to pick it up before the rain started. When outside a few minutes ago and it was worse than it was two days ago and the leaves were brown. Not sure if the rain water made it worse or not, but it is gone.