annuum Jalapenos from Mexico

     I picked a bunch of green ones to make poppers for the 4th. They were huge, thick fleshed, pretty hot for a jalapeño and probably the best tasting jalapeños I remember eating. I'm trying really hard to let the rest of them ripen since I like my jalapeños extremely ripe - almost to the point of getting soft on the plant. I have posted pics in my glog, but I will get some pics of them up here this weekend.
     How are your serranos looking, CAPCOM? Mine have been ripening for a few weeks now, but the color seems to have stalled at an orange hue. I keep expecting them to turn dark red like other serranos I grow but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Very tasty and really hot for a serrano, though
Great report, thanks for the feed back.
I have been impatiently waiting for the seed recipients to report their opinions. You just described the jalapenos I bought over 2 years ago that I fell in love with. Excellent description!
Cant wait to see your pics.
I've picked quite a few Xalapas already, early ones where small and corky from all the rain we have been getting. Heat was about on par with most jalapenos I think. Fatter than most imo though. 
I also growing some fooled you jalapenos , both are good but obviously the xalapas is much "hotter"
Am I wrong in assuming that just because a jalapeno is imported from Xalapa doesn't mean it isnt grown by a contract farmer and could be any 'strain'?
Heckle said:
Am I wrong in assuming that just because a jalapeno is imported from Xalapa doesn't mean it isnt grown by a contract farmer and could be any 'strain'?
I am and have been using the Xalapa Identification based on the info that was previously supplied by Willard3. I did not know prior to that time what I had, just that it was awesome. And by all accounts, it grows true.
Fitsea said:
So you've sold me on this plant. Where do I get the seeds?
I donated all I produced last year to the seed train. You will have to wait till harvest of fully mature pods, probably later this season. Unless someone is growing plants exclusively for seed stock and will make them available sooner.
willard3 said:
More  Xalapeños from the Bajío in Mëjico
THAT my fellow community members, would be them.
And when grown under superb conditions the get long. not a typical jalapeno length by any stretch of your imagination.
And while these are really a great addition to your grow, I would not exclude a really good jalapeno from your list. Both have their respective places of usage.
But, full maturity does take time, even for fully appreciable green pods. when you have a mature green vs an early pick you can tell the difference in both taste and heat. the problem is in what you are used to seeing in standard jalapenos. Apply the same standards in picking jalapas and you are cheating yourself. BIG TIME!
A few early picks. Note the corking.
