• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jalapenos & more

I really wanted to try out writing a glog and hope that you find it interesting to follow. I have some jalapenos, naga morich and bunch of hainan yellow lantern growing at the moment. I plan to mature the jalapenos in the tent and for the rest - i wish i can already move to grow outside on the balcony in month or two.

The biggest two in the picture are jalapenos. Naga morich is the medium sized one and hainan yellow lanterns are those two seedlings. I have also more seedlings of hainan in the tent as well, but these can't be seen on these pictures.

I'm also considering sprouting some seeds for more seedlings, but I'm having difficult time choosing which variety to choose. I have seeds from the following chilies:

  • Kongo Brown
  • Fatalii Red
  • Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
  • Yellow Bhut Jolokia


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I get good results (no or perhaps very limited hybridization) inside with the plants actually touching, so any space at all likely accomplishes what you need.

One thing I'm cautious about is when an indoor pepper is dropping lots of flowers and setting only an occasional pod. In this case I assume it may not be producing viable pollen and when a pod does set it may be from stray, viable pollen grains - so perhaps those "occasional" pods aren't going to be the best ones to consider as isolated. Still, I think the chances are better they're isolated than that they're not.

When one considers that each ovum in the flower is pollinated by a separate grain of pollen, even if some cross-pollination occurs it is very likely largely outnumbered by the pollen grains coming from directly within that same flower than by pollen grains floating in the air that may happen to find their way to the stigma. Many, if not most (depending on the variety) peppers self-pollenate from the same flower as sets the pod (often during the process of the flower opening) and, absent pollinating inspects, the odds indoors are strongly in your favor.

Great that you are getting the plants outside and hopefully the weather improves quickly. I'll sometime "share" pepper plants with friends and family when I want to be sure they're isolated and for whatever reason I can't keep them inside. :)
Thank you for the detailed explanation! I really appreciate it. :)