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annuum Jalapeno's not hot at all?

Back to the topic of pickled jalapenos...I don't go to the movies very much but last year I went w/ a couple friends & I got some nachos & a full paper cup of jalapenos (I figured I'd need to load my chips up). I was very surprised...these suckers were HOT. They were crisp & delicious to boot. One of my friends was eating the jalapenos out of that cup as well, & she was afraid to stop stuffing her face because she knew when she stopped the heat would catch up w/ her, lol. I can't remember what movie we saw, but the jalapenos were awesome :).

Also...I'm pretty addicted to the Mezzetta pickled habaneros. When I can't find any fresh habs from the grocery these make a pretty darn good substitute.
The wife and I love going to the movies (seeing as how we get in for free) and asking for just the jalapenos. Everyone looks at us like we are nuts but they are soooooooo good.
It's also worth pointing out that vinegar is a solvent for capsaicin, ie, if they're in vinegar, they'll e less picante.